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frame relay
comp., MS 框架轉送 (A packet-switching protocol for use on WANs (wide area networks). Frame relay transmits variable-length packets at up to 2 Mbps over predetermined, set paths known as PVCs (permanent virtual circuits). It is a variant of X.25 but dispenses with some of frame relay access device frequency X.25's error detection for the sake of speed)
 English thesaurus
frame relay
IT A packet-switched wide-area-network WAN technology that provides faster performance than older packet-switched WAN technologies (Best suited for data and image transfers. Because of its variable-length packet architecture, it is not the most efficient technology for real-time voice and video. In a frame-relay network, end nodes establish a connection via a permanent virtual circuit (PVC))
Frame Relay
IT, abbr. FR (Telephony, Networking)