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TG abbr.
comp., MS grupo de contactos (A contact list, similar to an alias, that allows the talk to reach a list of users at once by the push-to-talk functionality)
 English thesaurus
tg abbr.
abbr. gas temperature; telegram; turning
abbr., mil. telegraph TG
abbr., oil type genus
abbr., tech. tangens
math. tangent (MichaelBurov)
mil. telegraph (Киселев)
tg. abbr.
abbr. thermogravimetry
abbr., math. tangent
TG abbr.
abbr. Tajik; The Gathering; Turbine Generator; tail gear; target; Team Games; technical grade (Adrax); Technical Graphics; Technical Guide; Terrible Grammar; The Time For Graphic; Thieves' Guild; Thomas Garrett; Thunder God; Tie Guy; Tightwad Gazette; Toastmaster Generals Toastmaster Club; tongue and groove; Top Grille; Toronto Goth; tacho-generator; Technical General Report; Texas Gulf Sulfur Co.; time group; torpedo group; Total Graph; Training Glider; Trans Galactic; Trans Gender; Transaction Group; transformational grammar; Transition Graph; Transmission Grating; Transmission Group (SNA); Transparent Gif; Transvaal Germiston; Tree Granule; Tributary Glacier; Type Generic
abbr., agric. treatment group (экспериментальная группа Zhelezniakova)
abbr., automat. tachometer generator; turbogenerator (ssn)
abbr., avia. tail gunner; transfer gearbox; transport Geschwader; traffic guidance; terminal gap; throttle grip; time to go; tolerance grade; trainee guide; transfer gauge; Thai Airways International
abbr., busin. tour guide
abbr., cartogr. toll gate
abbr., chem. thermogravimetric analysis
abbr., comp., net. transmission group
abbr., comp., net., IT Trunk Group
abbr., earth.sc. teledyne geotronics; Texas Gulf Sulfur Company; thermal gradient; thermogravimetric; tropical gulf air mass
abbr., econ. tons gross
abbr., ed. Teacher's Guide
abbr., el. tape guide; thermally grown; time gauge; timing generator; toxic gas; transfer gate; transmission gate; twin-gate structure
abbr., el., scient. Test Group; ThermoGravimetry; Tone Generator
abbr., fant./sci-fi. The Guardians
abbr., file.ext. Technical Guidance (NRC Inspection Manual)
abbr., gyrosc. torque generator
abbr., inet. Thank God; Tough Guy; Two Guys
abbr., IT Top Graphic
abbr., math., scient. The Graph
abbr., med. Transmissible Gastroenteritis; Tumor Growth; TriGlyceride; thyroglobulin; trigeminal ganglia (ННатальЯ); triglycerides; tetraglycine; thioguanine; toxic goiter
abbr., media. Top Gun
abbr., mil. Technical Group; tracking and guidance
abbr., mil., avia. rotor thrust in the ground cushion
abbr., mus. Throbbing Gristle
abbr., nautic. task group
abbr., oil trip gas (andrushin); tachogenerator; tai gas; Tertiary gravel; timing gauge; tons, gross; total gas; toughness gradient; track gauge; turbo-generator
abbr., pharm. tioguanine
abbr., pharma. tigecycline (Tigecycline is a tetracycline derivative that is approved for use in complicated intra-abdominal and skin and soft-tissue infections. Natalya Rovina)
abbr., phys., scient. Temperature Gradient
abbr., physiol., med. ThyroGlobulin; Toxoplasma Gondii
abbr., polit. Togo
abbr., polym. glass transition temperature (полимеров Vicomte)
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Guatemala); Trace Gas
abbr., space test generator; thermo gravimetric
abbr., sport. Tactical Gamer; This Game; triglyceride
biochem. Triglyceride
energ.ind. thickness gage; topic group; turbine-generator
mil. tactical group; task guidance; temporary grade; terminal guidance; test group; textbook of gunnery; training group; training guide
sociol. target group ('More)
tech. tape gage; target glint; thermoelectric generator; timing gate; tuned grid; turbine generator; turning gear
Tg abbr.
abbr. thyroglobulin (Vosoni); glass-transition temperature; telegraphy; teragram; teragramme
abbr., oil geothermal gradient; trigger
energ.ind. absolute local bulk gas temperature; average absolute gas temperature
genet. generation time (dimock)
β-Tg abbr.
abbr., med. beta-thromboglobulin
TgQW abbr.
abbr., el. growth temperature of quantum well
TG6- abbr.
abbr., med. 6-Thioguanine (anti Cancer Drug)