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subpoena [sə(b)'pi:nə] n
law citación;  orden de aparición; citatorio m; orden de comparecencia; citación con apercibimiento; emplazamiento m; citar (a person); orden de comparecencia citatorio
patents. emplazamiento so pena de una multa; citación so pena de una multa
subpoena written legal order directing a person to appear in court to testify, etc. [sə(b)'pi:nə] n
law orden de aparición
 English thesaurus
subpoena [sə(b)'pi:nə] n
law written legal order directing a witness to appear in court to testify or requiring evidence to be submitted to a court, etc; a summons issued to a person directing their attendance in Court to give evidence (Unlike a summons, a subpoena may command the recipient to produce evidence necessary to the resolution of a legal matter or controversy.); a writ by a government agency, most often a court, that has authority to compel testimony by a witness or production of evidence under a penalty for failure (There are two common types of subpoena: subpoena ad testificandum orders a person to testify before the ordering authority or face punishment. subpoena duces tecum orders a person to bring physical evidence before the ordering authority or face punishment. wikipedia.org); An official order to go to court at a certain time. Subpoenas are commonly used to tell witnesses to come to court to testify in a trial
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects