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gen. tensión; acento; reforzar; tensión, estrés
environ. estrés
health. nervios
med. "stress"; agresión
polit. estrés
| allowable
bank. admisible
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noun | verb | adjective | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
stress Psychological and/or physical strain or tension generated by physical, emotional, social, economic, or occupational circumstances, events, or experiences that are difficult to manage or endure [stres] n
polit. estrés (Presión o tensión psicológica y/o fìsica generada por circunstancias, acontecimientos o experiencias emocionales, sociales, económicas o laborales que resultan difìciles de manejar o sobrellevar)
stressing ['strεsɪŋ] v
earth.sc., mater.sc. solicitación; esfuerzo
stress [stres] adj.
gen. tensión; acento; reforzar; tensión, estrés; forzar
earth.sc. carga unitaria
earth.sc., met. tensión nominal
forestr. carga laboral
genet. falta de humedad; condiciones difíciles; factores adversos
health. nervios; estrés; tensión de trabajo
med. "stress"; agresión; violencia
meteorol. factor de estrés
pack. estirado (apretado)
scub. el estress
tech. acento tónico; carga; énfasis; fatiga; fuerza; importancia; peso
transp. esfuerzo
transp., tech. exigencias
to stress [stres] adj.
earth.sc., mater.sc. solicitar
stress A stimulus or succession of stimuli of such magnitude as to tend to disrupt the homeostasis of the organism [stres] adj.
environ. estrés
 English thesaurus
stress [stres] abbr.
abbr., automat. strs
lit. In linguistics, stress is the emphasis, length and loudness that characterise one syllable as more prominent than another. In poetry, see meter and sonnets.
STRESS [stres] abbr.
abbr., el. structural engineering system solver
abbr., physiol., med. Situations That Release Emergency Signals Or Stimuli
abbr., scottish Satellite Transmission Effects Simulations
mil. satellite transmission effects simulation
STRESS [stres] abbr.
abbr., comp. structural engineering system solver; structural engineering system solver program
stress allowable
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects