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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
stag [stæg] n
gen. venado m
agric. verraco castrado
fin. zurupeto m
nat.sc. ciervo m
to stag [stæg] n
fin. especular con nuevas emisiones de acciones; mayorar
stagging v
fin. especulación con nuevas emisiones de acciones
 English thesaurus
stag [stæg] abbr.
abbr., space simultaneous telemetry and graphics; stagnation
STAG [stæg] abbr.
abbr. Some Transgenders Are Guys; Summer Touring Activities Group
abbr., el. simultaneous telemetry acquisition and graphics
abbr., electr.eng. steam and gas turbine combined cycle
abbr., mil. Strategic Tactical Analysis Group
abbr., mil., avia. shuttle turnaround analysis group
abbr., physiol. Split-Thickness AutoGraft
abbr., scottish Strategy & Tactics Analysis Group (US Army)
abbr., sport. Strike, Throw, And Go
energ.ind. science and technology advisory group
FBI. Student Agitation
invest. Standing Committee
mil. special task air group; standards technical advisory group; strategy and tactics analysis group; submarine-rocket technical advisory group
tech. simultaneous telemetry acquisition and graphics system
STAG [stæg] abbr.
abbr., oil staggered; steam and gas turbine
stag: 8 phrases in 6 subjects
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2