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spreadsheet ['sprεdʃiːt] n
comp., MS hoja de cálculo (An application commonly used for budgets, forecasting, and other finance-related tasks that organizes data values using cells, where the relationships between cells are defined by formulas. A change to one cell produces changes to related cells. Spreadsheet programs usually provide graphing capabilities for output and a variety of formatting options for text, numeric values, and graph features)
econ. hoja de cálculo
ed. hoja de trabajo
IMF. planilla electrónica
IT, comp. hoja electrónica
math. hoja de análisis
 English thesaurus
spreadsheet ['sprεdʃiːt] abbr.
abbr., progr. electronic spreadsheet (электронная таблица ssn); spreadsheet application (ssn); spreadsheet application (приложение для обработки электронных таблиц ssn)
Spreadsheet ['sprεdʃiːt] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .wq1 (file name extension, BORPQU); .wkq (file name extension, BORQU)
: 33 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology28