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sexual harassment
gen. acoso sexual
h.rghts.act., unions. conducta no deseada de naturaleza sexual
sexual harassment Unwelcome sexual advances or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive working environment
polit. acoso sexual (Insinuaciones sexuales no correspondidas o conducta verbal o fìsica de naturaleza sexual con el propósito o efecto de interferir injustificadamente en el rendimiento laboral del individuo o crear un ambiente de trabajo intimidatorio, hostil, abusivo u ofensivo)
 English thesaurus
sexual harassment
law Sexual words, conduct, or action usually repeated and persistent that, being directed at a specific person, annoys, alarms, or causes substantial emotional distress in that person and serves not legitimate purpose
sexual harassment
: 6 phrases in 1 subject
Social science6