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revegetation ['ri:veʤɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n
ecol. revegetación
environ., earth.sc. regeneración de la cubierta vegetal
life.sc., construct. vegetalización complementaria; tratamiento biológico complementario
UN, ecol. repoblación vegetal; reverdecimiento m; restablecimiento de la vegetación
revegetation Planting of new trees and, particularly, of native plants in disturbed sites where the vegetation cover has been destroyed, to stabilize the land surface from wind and water erosion and to reclame the land for other uses. Revegetation practices are employed in mined lands, roadsides, parks, wetlands, utility corridors, riparian areas, etc. ['ri:veʤɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n
environ. revegetación