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remote control
gen. control remoto; telemando m
CNC, meas.inst. telemando m (open loop)
commun. control a distancia; telerregulación; sistema de telemando
commun., transp. mando a distancia; teleguía
comp., MS control remoto (The process of viewing and interacting with an existing Remote Desktop Protocol session initiated by another user)
meas.inst. telemaniobra
mech.eng. control a remoto; lectura a distancia; telecontrol m
rem.sens. telemanejo n
tech. control remote
remote-control [rɪˌməʊtkən'trəʊl, rɪˌmoʊtkən'troʊl]
IT, agric., mater.sc. teleoperación
 English thesaurus
remote control
abbr., mining. r.c.; rm.c.
mil., logist. In barrier operations, the ability of a user to actuate a charge or change the state of a mine, from a distance. For a mine, remote control is divided into: 1. Remote Control Level 1. Ability to react to a received remote control stimulus to change from standby state to armed. 2. Remote Control Level 2. As level 1, and the added ability to react to a received remote control stimulus to return from armed to standby state. 3. Remote Interrogation Capability. The ability of a mine to respond to a remote interrogation on its state, either armed or standby. This capability may be superimposed on either Level 1 or Level 2, and may be indicated by the suffix I. (FRA)
remote control
: 86 phrases in 17 subjects
Automated equipment12
Information technology6
Measuring instruments1
Mechanic engineering9
Mineral products1
Municipal planning1
Water resources1