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reg [reg] adj.
meteorol. reg
 English thesaurus
reg [reg] abbr.
abbr. regenerated; regent; register; registry; regulate; regulation; regulations; regulator
abbr., commer. region
agric. regeneration
REG [reg] abbr.
abbr. Regency Realty Corporation; Reggio Calabria, Italy; region; Registered; regular; Regular Electronic Giving
abbr., auto. voltage regulator
abbr., avia. regular aerodrome; rapid fire gun
abbr., energ.syst. regional electricity company (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Registration information or key (Vosoni)
abbr., med. radioencephalogram; rheoencephalograph
mil. Registration
transp. Regular Gas
Reg. abbr.
abbr. registered
abbr., earth.sc. register
abbr., mil. regiment; regimental
lat. Regionis ("of the region")
Reg [reg] abbr.
abbr. equivalent resistivity; regiment
abbr., busin. registrar
Regs [regz] abbr.
abbr. regions
abbr., nautic. registered tonnage
Regs. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. regulations
reg. abbr.
abbr. regeneration; registration; regulations; regulator
abbr., commer. registrar; registry
abbr., earth.sc. region; regular; regulation
REG [reg] abbr.
abbr., el. random events generator; range extender with gain; regenerator; rotated ellipse gain model
abbr., mil., avia. radioisotope electrogenerator
REG [reg] abbr.
abbr. aircraft nationality and registration marks
abbr., busin. regain
abbr., comp. regression analysis
abbr., dril. regular tool joint
abbr., earth.sc. regional economic geography
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects