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recon [ˈriːkɒn] n
tech. reconocimiento m
 English thesaurus
recon [ˈriːkɒn] abbr.
abbr. reconciliation; recondition; reconstruction; reconversion
mil. reconnoiter (MichaelBurov)
recon. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. reconnaissance
RECON [ˈriːkɒn] abbr.
abbr. reconnaissance; remote console system; retrospective conversion
abbr., avia. reliability and configuration accountability system
abbr., busin. reconfirm
abbr., el. reconnaissance (satellite); resource conservation
abbr., mil., air.def. reconnaissance satellite
mil. readiness condition; reliability control; remote console; remote control
reconst. abbr.
abbr. reconstruction
recon: 2 phrases in 1 subject