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health. rata
mamm. rata
| serum albumin
 serum albumin
dialys. albúmina sérica
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
rat [ræt] n
health. rata f
mamm. rata f (Rattus (rattus, norvegicus))
nat.res. rata f (Rattus norvegicus)
 English thesaurus
RAT [ræt] abbr.
abbr., avia. ram air temperature control; research and technology; rocket assisted torpedo
abbr., el. random access time; rapid access table; register allocation
hack. remote access trojan (Alex_Odeychuk)
rat [ræt] abbr.
abbr. ratchet (Yuriy83); rated; rating; ratio; rations
abbr., mil. ration RAT
amer. mole (в смысле "крыса" Val_Ships)
mamm. arouraios (Rattus (rattus, norvegicus))
rat. abbr.
abbr., busin. rate; rating
.rat n
file.ext. Rating (file name extension)
RAT [ræt] abbr.
abbr. Remote Associates Test (Тест отдаленных ассоциаций Vicomte); Rapid antigen testing (Andrey250780); Rambunctious Adventurous Terrific; Random Access Texture; rateau; ration; Really Active Teacher; Really Awful Tucker; Record Of Achievement And Targets; Recovery And Transformation; Recruit At Training; Recruitment Assessment Team; Recruits At Training; Recycled Active Temple; Regional Alternative Theatre; Regression Analysis Tool; Reject All Tobacco; Remote Access Terminal; Remote Access Trojan; Remote Administration Tool; Repair Of Assistive Technology; Reserve Access Team; Ride All The Time; Rider's Association Of Triumph; Right After Torrance; Right At Torrance; Road Anomalies Tour; Robberies And Thefts; Robust Audio Tool; Rookie Auburn Tiger; Rough And Tumble; The Rathskeller Restaurant
abbr., avia. ram air turbine (Val_Ships); ram air temperature
abbr., busin. remote association test
abbr., earth.sc. radiance archival tape; ridge-and trough
abbr., file.ext. RATS Datafile; Read And Think
abbr., IT Register Alias Table; remote automation technology
abbr., med. Repeat Action Tablet; Rheumatoid Arthritis Test; Right Anterior Trigone
abbr., mil. Ram Air Turbine (e.g., used in EW pods for power); Rapid Action Team (qwarty)
abbr., nautic. rocket-assisted torpedo
abbr., oil receiver and transmitter
abbr., physiol. Radical Anxiety Termination
abbr., scottish Ram-Air Turbine; Requirement Analysis Tool
abbr., tax. rate applicable to trusts (NataLet)
abbr., telecom. Radio Access Technology (Oleg Sollogub)
abbr., vent. return air temperature (Khabibuollin Bulat)
mil. reduced acoustic target; reliability assurance test; remote area terminal
tech. radiological assessment team; radiological assistance team; reserve auxiliary transformer
: 97 phrases in 18 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture5
Health care6
Life sciences3
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation23
Natural sciences1
Social science1