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to phrases
murder ['mɜ:də] n
gen. asesinar
crim.law. asesinato m
law homicidio voluntario;  asesinato m; homicidio culposo; homicidio intencional; delito cometido en el curso de un delito mayor; homicidio m; homicidio simple
murder unlawful and malicious killing of another person, with intent to do so ['mɜ:də] n
law asesinato m; homicidio m
 English thesaurus
murder ['mɜ:də] abbr.
abbr., fig. skin alive (Andrey Truhachev)
law unlawful and malicious killing of another person, with intent to do so; The unlawful killing of a human being with deliberate intent to kill
Murder ['mɜ:də] n
law, abbr. M
: 17 phrases in 2 subjects
Life sciences1