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gen. humedad
| in
gen. adentro; en; por
| steam
gen. vapor de agua
agric. escaldar al vapor; estofar
chem. tratar por vapor
health. vapor
| sample
comp., MS muestra
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
moisture 1. The water vapour content of the atmosphere, or the total water substances (gaseous, liquid and solid) present in a given volume of air. 2. Water that is dispersed through a gas in the form of water vapour or small droplets, dispersed through a solid, or condensed on the surface of a solid ['mɔɪsʧə] n
environ. humedad f
moisture ['mɔɪsʧə] n
gen. humedad f
moisture in
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Earth sciences1
Water resources1