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landing area [ˈlændiŋ ˈɛəriə]
aeron. paracaidismo zona de aterraje; zona de aterrizaje; zona de desembarco; zona de lanzamiento
transp., avia. área de aterrizaje
 English thesaurus
landing area [ˈlændiŋ ˈɛəriə]
avia., Canada The part of a movement area intended for the landing or takeoff of aircraft
mil., logist. Region covering one hundred square kilometers or so in which several 2 to 4 landing areas are selected for an airborne ABN operation. (FRA); Pertains to a number of terrains used for airdrops or air landings. (FRA); A specially prepared or selected surface of land, water, or deck designated or used for take-off and landing of aircraft. (FRA)
USA That part of the operational area within which are conducted the landing operations of an amphibious force. see also airfield, amphibious force, landing beach, landing force; In airborne operations, the general area used for landing troops and materiel either by airdrop or air landing. see also airfield, amphibious force, landing beach, landing force; Any specially prepared or selected surface of land, water, or deck designated or used for takeoff and landing of aircraft (JP 3-02) see also airfield, amphibious force, landing beach, landing force
landing area: 5 phrases in 3 subjects