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IM [im-] abbr.
comp., MS mensajería instantánea (A message sent in real time through a network to a private chat area); de mensajería instantánea (Pertaining to a message sent in real time through a network to a private chat area); mensajería instantánea, MI (A method of real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient immediately receives the message in a chat area)
comp., MS, mexic. MI (A method of real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient immediately receives the message in a chat area)
 English thesaurus
im [im-] abbr.
abbr. intramuscular
abbr., earth.sc. idocrase-monticellite rock; imidazole
abbr., oil idiomorphic
abbr., sport. individual medley
IT instrumentation
O&G intermatrix
im. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. image; immediate
IM [im-] abbr.
abbr. inside of metal; installation and maintenance; initialized mode; imatinib mesylate
abbr., agric. intermuscular
abbr., anat. intermuscular (напр. intermuscular septum - межмышечная пеергородка doc090)
abbr., auto. immobilizer; Inspection and Maintenance Programs; inspection/maintenance; intake air motor; interior monitoring
abbr., avia. inner marker (ILS); Information Management; Interval Management; injection mold (mould); intermediate modulation; item manager; injection mould
abbr., chess.term. International Master
abbr., commun. independent maintenance
abbr., comp., net. instant message; inheritance mask
abbr., EBRD information memorandum (raf)
abbr., el. idle mode; image management; image mixing; imaging model; index-matching liquid; information memory; infrared modulation; initialization modifier; inspection module; installation manual; instruction memory; instruction modification; insulation material; integrated messenger; integrated modem; intelligence multimedia; intelligent munition; intensity-measuring; interactive media; interface module; interference micrograph; inter-layer missing oxide defect; internal memory; interpersonal messaging; interrupt mask; inverse multiplexing; ion microprobe; ion milling
abbr., electr.eng. independent mode
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file); Item Mark
abbr., genet. insemination medium; interval mapping
abbr., geol. industrial mineral (makhno)
abbr., IT immediate message (Bricker); industrial manufacturer; Information Model (ing); Instant messaging; Interactive Mode
abbr., lab.eq. IntraMuscular
abbr., med. intramuscular; Internal Mammary (artery); internal medicine; intramuscular injection (ParanoIDioteque); Index Medicus; inner membrane; intermediate megaloblast; intramedullary; intramuscularly
abbr., met. Institute of Metallurgists
abbr., mil. information management; intermediate module; insensitive munition
abbr., mil., air.def. intensive mode
abbr., missil. intercepter missile
abbr., nautic., econ. integrated management
abbr., oil medium induction log
abbr., opt. intensity modulation
abbr., physiol. Index Movement
abbr., polit. Isle of Man
abbr., polym. injection molding
abbr., post Intelligent Mail
abbr., progr. identity management (ssn)
abbr., proj.manag. Integrated Management (qwarty)
abbr., railw. Infrastructure Manager (Aleksandra007)
abbr., scient. institute of mining (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Inner Marker; Intermodulation
abbr., soil. isomesic soil temperature regime
abbr., sport. individual medley (Tiny Tony)
abbr., st.exch. initial margin ('More)
abbr., tech. intermediate modulus (о волокне bonly)
abbr., w.germ. injection moulding (igisheva)
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. instrument module
energ.ind., abbr. intermediate moisture
mil. in maintenance
mil., abbr. informal memorandum; inspection manual; inspection memorandum; instruction manual; intelligence memorandum; intelligence message; intercept missile; interdepartmental memorandum; interdiction mission; interim memorandum; intermediate maintenance; intermediate missile; internal memorandum; inventory manager; item management; item marking
ocean., abbr. Immunoassay
oncol., abbr. Intramuscular - into a muscle
physiol., abbr. Infectious mononucleosis
tech. ideal modulation
tech., abbr. imaginary; impulse modulator; initialization mode; instrument man; instrumentation and measurement; instrumentation manager; integrated master; intensity measuring device; intermediate moisture food; interstellar maser
IM A method of real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient immediately receives the message in a chat area [im-] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS IM
IM [im-] abbr.
abbr., avia. improvement maintenance; independent modules; interline message; intermittent maximum
abbr., busin. image; immediate; immediately; import; inflation monétaire; inland marine; inspection and maintenance
abbr., commer. Imperial Measure; inflation monetaire
abbr., comp., MS IM (A method of real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient immediately receives the message in a chat area)
abbr., comp.name. International Mining Corporation
abbr., earth.sc. Frost Institute; ilmenite; impact melt; inclusion model; income maximization; inframarginal; Institute of Mineralogy; integrated monitoring; intensity modulated; intensive metamorphism; iron-magnetite; monoclinic illite
abbr., IT intelligent management
abbr., med. intramuscularly
abbr., oil illitic meshwork; imbibition; impulse modulation; index manual; Indonesian mill; induced material; induction medium; induction motor; industrial management; infra-marginal; initial modulus of elasticity; instrument measurement; Iranian Medium; isometric drawing; istranca massif; medium induction
abbr., pharm. imipenem
abbr., space interceptor missile; inventory management; isotropic material
abbr., sport. international Master
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology2