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gross domestic product
econ. producto interior bruto; PIB
fin. Producto Interior Bruto
fin., econ., stat. Producto interior bruto
IMF. producto interno bruto (SCN93); producto geográfico bruto (Chile)
polit. producto interno bruto
Gross Domestic Product
econ. producto interior bruto
gross domestic product The total output of goods and services produced by a national economy in a given period, usually a year, valued at market prices. It is gross, since no allowance is made, for the value of replacement capital goods
environ. producto interior bruto
gross domestic product The money value of all the goods and services produced in a country, excluding net income from abroad
polit. producto interno bruto (Valor monetario de todos los bienes y servicios producidos en un paìs, excluyendo el ingreso neto proveniente del extranjero)
gross domestic product: 22 phrases in 5 subjects