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noun | verb | to phrases
groom [gru(:)m] n
gen. cebadero m
comp., MS limpiar m (To permanently remove data from the data warehouse)
lab.law., agric. mozo de cuadra
to groom [gru(:)m] n
gen. cuidar m
agric. limpiar m
grooming ['ɡruːmɪŋ] v
agric. limpieza
anim.husb., health. cuidados
environ., agric., chem. hábitos de limpieza
social.sc. seducción de niños
to groom [gru(:)m] v
agric. almohazar y cepillar
 English thesaurus
groom [gru(:)m] abbr.
abbr. bridegroom
groom: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology3
Labor law1
Social science4