
   English Spanish
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gen. formal
chem. dimetoxí-metano; metilal
law solemne
| legal process
 legal process
econ. diligencia judicial
| and
gen. e; y
| examination
patents. interrogatorio; audición
| to
inet. a
| decide
gen. decidir
| a
gen. alguien
| case
el. recipiente múltiple
| by
patents. por
| a
gen. alguien
| court of law
 court of law
law tribunal
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
formal ['fɔ:m(ə)l] adj.
gen. formal
chem. dimetoxí-metano; metilal
law solemne
textile formai
 English thesaurus
formal ['fɔ:m(ə)l] adj.
polym. formaldehyde
formal. abbr.
abbr. formalin
abbr., chem. formaldehyde
FORMAL ['fɔ:m(ə)l] abbr.
abbr., space formula manipulation language
formal legal
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Government, administration and public services1