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gen. brinco; desperfecto; falla
earth.sc. grieta
industr. construct. vicio
IT escapatoria
nat.sc. agric. defecto
tech. falta
transp. defecto de la madera
wood. pelar
| hypothesis
gen. hipotesis
| methodology
environ. metodología

noun | verb | to phrases
flaw [flɔ:] n
gen. brinco m; desperfecto m; falla f
earth.sc. grieta f
industr., construct. vicio m
IT escapatoria f
nat.sc., agric. defecto m
tech. falta f; fractura del material que eventualmente causará rotura; grieta del material que eventualmente causará rotura
transp. defecto de la madera
to flaw [flɔ:] n
wood. pelar
flaws n
gen. desperfecto m
to flaw [flɔ:] v
wood. descortezar
 English thesaurus
FLAW [flɔ:] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. fleet logistics air wing
abbr., space fleet logistic air wing
flaw: 19 phrases in 7 subjects
Earth sciences4
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology7
Life sciences1
Materials science1