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verb | noun | to phrases
benchmark ['benʧmɑ:k] v
comp., MS banco de pruebas (A quantitative measure of performance that is used to compare the company's products, services, or processes to an external standard. Competitive benchmarks are based on industry best, and process benchmarks are based on best in class)
fin. obligaciones del Estado a largo plazo; obligación faro; bono de referencia
IMF. parámetro de referencia (P45); indicador de resultados; referente
IT, nat.sc. juego de ensayo; patrón de referencia; prueba de referencia; punto de referencia
IT, tech. prueba de evaluación de prestaciones
meteorol. marca altimétrica; mojón; parámetro; pilar
pharma. cota
stat. base de referencia; datos de referencia; datos de base; datos de partida
stat., fin. cota de referencia; índice de referencia
stat., work.fl. valor de referencia
UN, account. elemento de referencia; referencia
benchmarking ['bentʃmɑːkɪŋ] v
gen. acotación comparativa
account. establecimiento de patrones
econ. evaluación comparativa de resultados
polit. evaluación comparativa
 English thesaurus
benchmark ['benʧmɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. bm (Vosoni)
IT A test that has been designed to evaluate the performance of a system (In a benchmark test, a system is subjected to a known workload and the performance of the system against this workload is measured. Typically, the purpose is to compare the measured performance with that of other systems that have been subject to the same benchmark test)
: 88 phrases in 17 subjects
Corporate governance1
Information technology16
International Monetary Fund9
Life sciences1
Natural sciences1
Social science1
United Nations4