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USG abbr.
abbr. gas superficial velocity (Yakov); United States Gage; Universal Subscriber Gateway (Nomadix); Unix Support Group (organization, Unix)
abbr., agric., chem. urea supergranules
abbr., avia. US gallons; unusually significant
abbr., comp., net. UNIX Systems Group
abbr., earth.sc. United States standard Gage; United States standard Gauge
abbr., ed., scient. Undergraduate Student Government
abbr., el. undoped silicon dioxide glass (film); unique signal generator; Unix system group; upper sideband generator
abbr., el., scient. Undoped Silicate Glass
abbr., insur. Gulf of Mexico
abbr., lab.eq. Ultra-SonoGraphy
abbr., med. Ultra-Sonography; unteres Sprunggelenk (нижний голеностопный сустав Dimpassy); ultrasonography
abbr., mil. United States Government
abbr., mil., WMD US government
abbr., oil ultrasonic space grating; United States Gauge
abbr., polym. United States gallon
abbr., railw. Union Station Gateway
abbr., space US gallon
abbr., st.exch. U S G Corporation
abbr., tradem. United States Gypsum
abbr., UN, account. Under-Secretary-General
tech., abbr. United States standard gauge; universal synchrogenerator; upper side-band generator
USG: 1 phrase in 1 subject
United Nations1