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auto. alto; capota; cubierta; cúspide; parte superior de cualquier objeto; punta
baseb. encima
| of
gen. ante
| Packer
health. empacador
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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
top [tɔp] n
gen. cima f; cumbre f; parte superior; superficie f; testera f
agric. copa f; raberón; descabezar; descabizar; descorronar
agric., industr. perilla f
agric., industr., construct. cabeza f
forestr. ápice m
industr., construct. cinta de lana peinada; tops m
libr., mexic. canto superior
libr., span. canto de cabeza
math. arriba f
nat.sc., agric. apice; guia f
to top [tɔp] n
agric. desmochar; descabezar; descoronar
top to [tɔp] n
forestr. despuntar
tops [tɔps] n
industr., construct. cinta de preparación
topping ['tɔpɪŋ] v
agric. desmochado; cercenado; pastoreo temprano
agric., industr. despunte
food.ind. relleno
industr., construct. tinte de puntas; estampado sobre estampado; tundido excesivamente alisado
transp., construct. superficie de rodadura
topping California ['tɔpɪŋ] v
agric. relleno
top [tɔp] abbr.
auto. alto; capota; cubierta; cúspide; parte superior de cualquier objeto; punta; remate; tapa; tapadura; techo de la carrocería; vértice
baseb. encima
comp. superior
forestr. cizalla superior
med. vértex
pack. parte superior (de un barril o tambor); tapa (de una caja); cápsula (end); cierre (end)
tech. toldo
textile cénit
 English thesaurus
TOP [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. Tennessee Outreach Project; The Outreach Program; Top Of The Pile; Trade Opportunities Program; Training Opportunities And Practice; take or pay; Teams Optimise Processes; technical operating procedure; test and operations plan; test outline plan; The OS-9 Project (OS-9); total obscuring power; Topical
abbr., automat. technical office protocol
abbr., avia. Topeka, Kansas USA; cloud top; tour operators' package
abbr., commun. Task Oriented Form (SMA/SMC)
abbr., ed., scient. Technology Opportunities Program; Top One Percent
abbr., el., scient. Technical and Office Protocol; Thermal Overheat Protection
abbr., fin. Tonga Pa'anga
abbr., IT Technical Office Protocol; Tool Object Product
abbr., law Tourist Oriented Police; Treasury Offset Program (Yanamahan)
abbr., med. Theory Of Practice; Termination Of Pregnancy (harser); Tysabri Observational Program (ННатальЯ)
abbr., met. take-over point
abbr., mil. Tactical Offensive Position; Technical and Office Protocols; Tour of Duty; Taking Outbound Pilot (Interex)
abbr., nautic., scient. The Ocean Project
abbr., O&G Top of Packer (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. turn-over package
abbr., phys., scient. Time Optimized Process
abbr., physiol., med. Topically
abbr., polym. trioctyl phosphate
abbr., scient. Thermal Obviation Protection
abbr., sport. The Olympic Partner
tech. testing on pump; thermal overload protection; transient overpower; transistor-outline package; turning oil pump
top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. topographical
top. abbr.
abbr., med. topically
TOP [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. turn over, please
abbr., anim.husb. total organic phosphorus
abbr., auto. trap oxidizer-periodic; turnover, please
abbr., avia. tactical operating procedure; takeoff position; takeoff power; tool order preparation; two-axis optical pickoff
abbr., busin. Technical Development Plan
abbr., commun. table of pages
abbr., el. tape operated printer; thin outline package; transistor outline package
abbr., fr., space tube a ondes progressives
abbr., libr. temporarily out of print; temporarily out print
abbr., med. tenderness on palpation (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., mil., avia. top
abbr., nucl.pow. unprotected transient overpower scenario (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil technical data package; toluene disproportionation; torque and drag program; technical/office protocol
abbr., plast. tris 2-ethylhexyl phosphate
abbr., space take-off power; telemetry operation procedure
abbr., sport. Olympic Partners (Millie)
energ.ind., abbr. take or pay (бери или плати)
mil., abbr. technical operating procedure; test and operations plan; test outline plan; total obscuring power; Tour of Duty
physiol., abbr. Topically
top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. torque oil pressure
abbr., libr. topography
top. abbr.
abbr. topography
O&G topographic
Top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr., oil output time
Top of
: 99 phrases in 23 subjects
Chemical fibers1
Information technology2
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering3
Mineral products1
Municipal planning1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3
Pest control5