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Private Sector
 Private sector
polit. Sector privado
 private sector
econ. empresa privada
environ. sector privado
fin. industr. sector privado
| Conference
comp., MS Conferencia
patents. sesión
polit. conferencia
on Drugs | in
gen. adentro
| the
gen. el
| Workplace
lab.law. el. lugares de trabajo
| and
gen. e
| in
gen. adentro
| the
gen. el
| Community
ecol. comunidad

to phrases
private sector
econ. empresa privada
fin., industr. sector privado
IT el sector privado; la empresa privada; la privada
Private sector
polit. Sector privado
private sector Segment of the economy not run by government, including households, sole traders, partnerships and companies
environ. sector privado
 English thesaurus
private sector
USA An umbrella term that may be applied to any or all of the nonpublic or commercial individuals and businesses, specified nonprofit organizations, most of academia and other scholastic institutions, and selected nongovernmental organizations (JP 3-57)
Private Sector: 31 phrases in 9 subjects
Health care1
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization5
United Nations2