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pharma. Riesgo atribuible poblacional
pharma. engl. PAR
gen. paridad

noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
par value [pɑ:] n
fin. valor nominal
PAR [pɑ:] adj.
pharma. Riesgo atribuible poblacional
pharma., engl. PAR
par [pɑ:] adj.
gen. paridad
fin. valor nominal (value)
 English thesaurus
PAR [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Parabolic Aluminum Reflector; Pension Adjustment Reversal; Personnel Activity Reporting; Pre Authorized Remittance; Problem Action Result; Problem Action Results; Public Accounting Report; Pagan Association Of Red; Page Address Register (Vosoni); Paige Adler Racing; parameter; Parental Awareness And Responsibility; Partially Absorbed Or Reflected; Participation Attitude And Responsibility; Patient Accounting and Reporting; Pdb Atom Record; Peel Activities And Rehabilitation; Pelvic Anterior Rotation; Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor; People Against Reality; Performance and Reliability; Performance Average Rating; Personnel Action Request (Yakov); Personnel Action Required; Photon Activity Rate; Play Allotment Rule; Points Assists And Rebounds; Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission (protocols); Positive Acknowledgment with Retransmission; Pre-Assembled Rack (Yakov); Preferential Arrival Route; Preparation Assistance And Reflection; Preventive Aircraft Repair; Pride Acceptance Respect; Privacy Act Release; Problem Approach Resolution; Professional Assessment Review (eugeene1979); Public Administration Reform реформа госуправления (astrud)
abbr., agric. Plant A Row; potassium absorption ratio
abbr., allergol. Perennial allergic rhinitis (Игорь_2006)
abbr., auto. paint as required
abbr., avia. parts approval request; periodic activity report; periodic aircraft repair; planning action request; planning action report; precision approach reference; precision attitude reference; problem accountability record; product acceptance review; product action report; production action request; production automated riveting; program action report; program action request
abbr., bot., scient. Photosynthetically Active Radiation
abbr., chem. 4-2-pyridylazo-resorcinol; aromatic polyester; Proven Acceptable Range (eugeene1979); Performance Assurance Requirements (eugeene1979)
abbr., chem., scient. Photosynthetic Active Radiation
abbr., comp., net. positive acknowledgement and retransmission
abbr., comp., net., IT Pnni Augmented Routing
abbr., comp.graph. pixel aspect ratio (harser)
abbr., ed., scient. Participatory Action Research
abbr., el. packet adaptive routing; packet arriving rate; parabolic; parallax and refraction; parallel address register; paramagnetic; parity check; performance analysis routine; preamplifier; producibility analysis report (software); profile of average reflectivity; programmable access router; program-aided routine; project authorization request
abbr., file.ext. Parameter file (Fractint); Parts application (Digitalk PARTS); Permanent output file; Personal Animation Recorder; Processor Address Register; Windows swap file (Vosoni)
abbr., fin. portfolio at risk
abbr., foreig.aff. precision approach radar (equipment)
abbr., hotels per available room (irip)
abbr., immunol. product of antigenic recognition; pseudoallergic reaction
abbr., IT Peer Assistance Review; positive acknowledgment and retransmission
abbr., med. periodic automatic replenishment (MichaelBurov); post anesthesia recovery (altaica); protease activated receptor (активируемый протеиназой рецептор Katherine Schepilova); postanesthesia room; postanesthetic recovery; pulmonary arteriolar resistance
abbr., media. Paragraph; Personal Audio Recorder
abbr., meteorol. plasma arc remelting
abbr., mil. Personnel Accountability Report; Program Analysis Report; Pulse Acquisition Radar; performance assessment report; population at risk
abbr., mil., avia. Paris
abbr., mil., WMD Progress Action Report
abbr., O&G pipe racks (tat-konovalova)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Preventive Action Register (аудит); pumparound
abbr., oil per acre rental; personnel approval request; pre-assembled piperack
abbr., org.name. Paris Liaison Office; Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research
abbr., physiol. Peak to Average Ratio
abbr., physiol., med. Peak To Average Ratio
abbr., post Parcels (MODS report abbreviation); Postage Adjustment Record (in Mail.dat, 2007); Program for Alcoholic Recovery
abbr., scottish Power Analyser & Recorder; Program Assessment Review (USA); Progressive Aircraft Rework (USA)
abbr., sport. Pro Action Replay
abbr., st.exch. Coastcast Corporation
abbr., tech. personnel action request
abbr., tradem. Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
abbr., transp. Police Accident Report; Precision Approach Radar
airports, avia. Paris, France
ecol. photosynthetically active radiation
insur. participating insurance
mil. peacetime airborne reconnaissance; performance analysis and review; performance appraisal report; perimeter acquisition radar; phased array radar; Population at Risk; priority action report; priority action request; probabilistic analysis of risk; problem action record; problem action report; problem action request; problem analysis report; program adjustment request; program administrator's report; program appraisal and review; program appraisal report; progressive aircraft reconditioning; progressive aircraft rework; project audit report; promotion appraisal report; public affairs regulations; pulse acquisition radar; purchasing approval request
tech. passive autocatalytic recombiner; peak-to-average meter; performance autocatalytic report; phased-array radar; Princeton applied research laboratory; probability of being available and reliable; program-aid routine; protective action recommendations; pyridylazoresorcin
par [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. parachute; parachutist; parish
par. abbr.
abbr. parallel; parentheses
abbr., astr. parallax
abbr., busin. particular
abbr., dril. paragraph
abbr., earth.sc. parameter; parenthesis; partial
par [pɑ:] adj.
gram. parenthesis
IT parallel
polygr. paragraph
Par [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. particle; Paris
abbr., earth.sc. Paraguay
sport., abbr. P
Par. abbr.
abbr., construct. parapet
geogr. Paraguay (Vosoni)
PARs [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr., med. protease-activated receptors
PAR [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. PREVENTATIVE ACTION REQUEST (MaRRi-01); Pacific Applied Research
abbr., avia. precision aircraft reference
abbr., comp., net. positive acknowledgement with retransmission
abbr., earth.sc. parallelogram; paraschwagerina; par excellence; photosynthetically active range; potassium-adsorption ratio; pressure and release; proportional allotment rule
abbr., med. postanesthesia recovery (EZrider)
abbr., nautic. Pre-arrival Arrival Report (Предварительное извещение о прибытии в порт (Австралия) Ying)
abbr., oil peak average rectified; peak-to-average ratio; Peking Adjustment Rules; per-acre rental; polyarylate; program analysis and review; 4-2-pyridylazo resorcinol
abbr., pharma. Public Assessment Report (Игорь_2006)
abbr., space payload accommodation requirements; polyamide resin; precision-approach radar; pulse-acquisition radar
abbr., sport. physical activity ratio
PAR. abbr.
abbr., commer. Peking Adjustment Rules
: 103 phrases in 11 subjects
International Monetary Fund21