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NI [en'ai] abbr.
abbr. National Income; New Issue; North Island; Not Identical; Not Important; Not Interested; NAE, Inc.; NATO infrastructure; natural increase; Naval Interdiction; Network Interconnect / Interface; Network Interconnect (Vosoni); Niel I; noise intensity; Noisiness Index; Non Inversed; Nothern Ireland; Novus Imperium; Nuclear Insurers; Nuclear Island (Yakov)
abbr., agric. neutralization index; nitrogen intake
abbr., BrE naval instructor
abbr., cartogr. North Ireland
abbr., chem., scient. Nickel
abbr., ed., scient. Needs Improvement
abbr., el. national indicator; negative immittance (inverter); network identifier; network integration; neutral-ionic transition; neutron irradiation technique; noise immunity; normal incidence; non-interlaced
abbr., el., scient. No Interleaving
abbr., electr.eng. noninductive
abbr., IT Network Interface; Non Indexed; Non Informative; Non Interlaced
abbr., lab.eq. Not Identified
abbr., law No Issue
abbr., med. Neurological Improvement
abbr., mil. Native Infantry; New Information; Non Inferiority; national identification (number); noted item
abbr., oil net income (serz)
abbr., police National Insurance
abbr., polit. Nicaragua; Northern Ireland; Nigeria
abbr., scottish Naval Infantry
abbr., sec.sys., IT Next Intel; Not- Inside
abbr., securit. negotiable instrument
abbr., st.exch. Nisource, Inc.
abbr., tradem. National Instruments
econ. national income (dimock)
energ.ind. never incorporated; nonimpact
mil. naval intelligence; night intruder; no information
tech. night; noise index; noise input intensity; nuclear instrument; nuclear instrumentation
Ni [en'ai] abbr.
abbr., immunol. neuraminidase inhibition (iwona)
tech., med. nickel
ni. abbr.
abbr. night
NI [en'ai] abbr.
abbr., avia. navigation and identification; non-installed; noninterchangeable item; not interchangeable
abbr., commun. Network Interworking; network indicator; net information
abbr., med. neuroimmunology
NI [en'ai] abbr.
abbr. non-inhibit interrupt; neon indicator; North Irish
abbr., commer. Norm Indonesia
abbr., earth.sc. normal independent; number of interferences
abbr., electric. non-inductive
abbr., oil naphthene index; negative ion; normal impurity; normal incident; not initialized; numerical index
abbr., telecom. non-interlace; noninterlace
abbr., textile negotiable instruments; net interest
NI: 13 phrases in 8 subjects
Natural sciences2