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comp., MS Contrato Marco de Licencia
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gen. congreso; convención
comp., MS convención
environ. convenio; convenio

to phrases
MLA abbr.
comp., MS Contrato Marco de Licencia (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
 English thesaurus
MLA abbr.
abbr. Manufacturing License Agreement; Member of the Legislative Assembly; Modern Language Abbreviation; Multi Level Advertising; Mumbles Lovers Anon; mandated lead arranger (Alexander Matytsin); Mail List Agent; Master of Liberal Arts (Leonid Dzhepko); Member of Legislative Assembly; Member of Legislative Assembly see >; Micro Lens Array; Multi Level Advertizing; Multispectral Linear Array; multi-lateral agency
abbr., auto. mechanical lash adjuster
abbr., avia. manoeuvre load alleviation; maneuver limited altitude
abbr., commer. Military Liaison Assistant (Congress)
abbr., comp. multi-line adapter
abbr., comp., net. Master License Agreement; MultiLicense Agreement
abbr., el. magnetic lens assembly; master logic array chip; microlens array; microwave link analyzer; Modem Language Association of America; multiline addressing
abbr., fin. Military Lending Act
abbr., inet. Mailing List Archives
abbr., IT Multi-License Agreement
abbr., lab.eq. Mouse Lymphoma Assay
abbr., libr. Music Library Association
abbr., med. Left Mentoanterior (fetal Position); Medical Library Association; Mesiolabial; Monocytic Leukemia, Acute; myelosis leucemica acuta; mouse lethality assay (ННатальЯ)
abbr., media. Modern Language Association; Multiple Letter Acronyms
abbr., mil. Military Legislative Assistant; mission load allowance
abbr., mil., avia. maneuver load alleviation
abbr., mus. Mandated Lead Arranger
abbr., O&G, sakh. marine loading arm (Bauirjan); Multi Lateral Agency (финансирование); Multilateral Agency (финансирование Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil mixed lead alkyls; multiple line adapter; mixed lead alkyl
abbr., qual.cont. Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (в рамках IAF - International Accreditation Forum N.Zubkova)
abbr., rec.mngmt multilateral agreement (igisheva)
abbr., scient. Master of Landscape Architecture
abbr., space multipath limiting antenna
abbr., sport. Major League Arc
abbr., st.exch. Market Level Adjustment; Meat & livestock Australia (aht)
abbr., toxicol. mouse lymphoma assay (mouse lymphoma L5178Y cell Tk (thymidine kinase) gene mutation assay peregrin)
airports, avia. Malta, Malta
mil. manpack loop antenna; mean line of advance; most likely advance
tech. microprocessor language assembler; microstrip linear antenna; multilinear array; multiple license agreement
mla abbr.
gen. Main Line of Action (UNESCО Lena Nolte)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Criminal law2