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LPR A connectivity utility that runs on client systems and is used to print files to a computer running an LPD server abbr.
comp., MS Line Printer Remote (LPR)
 English thesaurus
LPR abbr.
abbr. Lawful Permanent Resident; Light Pollution Reduction; Line PrinteR; Liquid Panty Remover; looper; Low Priority Request (VUMA); Lynchburg Pool Reactor
abbr., avia. low pressure rotor
abbr., commun. Local Positioning Radar (Queerguy)
abbr., comp. Licenses Plate Recognition (Artjaazz); line printing
abbr., comp., net. Line Printer Requester
abbr., el. laser-produced plasma radiation; linear polarization rotator; line parameter register; long playing record; low-power reactor
abbr., el., scient. Low Pressure Regulator
abbr., eng. linear polarization resistance (YGA)
abbr., IT Line Printer Remote; Line Printer Request; Line Printer Requestor
abbr., Makarov. large pool reactor
abbr., math., scient. Linear Programming Relaxation
abbr., med. Liquid Permanent Red (harser); last patient randomization (ННатальЯ); late phase reaction; lymphoproliferation (gene)
abbr., mil. Landing Personnel Ramp
abbr., mil., avia. laser-powered rocket; liquid-propellant rocket
abbr., mus. Licensed Practitioner Of Rock
abbr., oil legal personal representative; linear polarization rate; linear polarization resistance; linear pressure recursion; liquid pressure response (tester valve); low pressure responsive
abbr., physiol. LaryngoPharyngeal Reflux
abbr., police License Plate Recognition
abbr., scottish Low-cost Packet Radio
abbr., sec.sys. licence-plate recognition
abbr., sport. Last Player To Raise
abbr., tech. low power reactor
mil. Amphibious Transport (Small); late procurement request; leadership potential rating; liquid propellant rocket
oil, abbr. liquid pressure response
tech. laser-powered rocket; local power range monitor