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polit. europeo
polit. Europeos
| Federation
comp., MS federación
| of
gen. ante
| the
gen. el; los; la; las; lo
| Trade
fin. operación
| in
gen. adentro
| Dried Fruits
 dried fruit
agric. fruto secado
| Edible
ecol. comestible
| Nuts
patents. nueces
| Preserved
gen. en conserva
| Food
patents. víveres
| Spices
patents. especias
| Honey
econ. miel
| and
gen. e
| Si
agric. chem. Si
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
Europeans n
polit. Europeos
European ['ju(ə)rə'pɪən] adj.
polit. europeo
european ['ju(ə)rə'pɪən] adj.
gen. europeo
 English thesaurus
European ['ju(ə)rə'pɪən] abbr.
abbr. Eur; Euro
meteorol., abbr. E
European Federation of the Trade in Dried Fruits, Edible Nuts, Preserved Food , Spices, Honey and: 1 phrase in 1 subject