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D [di:] abbr.
IT I+D prenormativo; investigación y desarrollo prenormativo
 English thesaurus
D [di:] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. decimal reduction time
abbr., auto. diagonal; directive; dividing; door alarm light; drive
abbr., data.prot. decipher; deciphering
abbr., met. drawing
d [di:] abbr.
abbr. Draught
d. abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. dam; deviation
D [di:] abbr.
abbr. Dallas; Day; December; Decimal; Degree; Department; Detroit; Duration; Dvd; Duh; census disclosure rule (Vosoni); D-indicator; darcy; dark; darkness; data; day; Deadness; debentures (Vosoni); Decayed; decreasing; Defenseless; Defibrillate; Deka; diameter of centre hole; Dies; Digitalis; Diligent; Dilute; Diopter (lens Strength); Dipshit; Disagree (in surveys Fesenko); Disciple; Disputation; distribution coefficient; doctor; Dominion Resources, Inc., of Virginia; draw (Vosoni); Dreamer; duchess; duke; Dumb; Dunce; Dungeon; Dutch; Dynamite; equivalent diameter; equivalent diameter of the unit; inside diameter of tubing; internal diameter of connecting pipe; PM, Applique (Integrator); riser diameter; tube diameter; Discontinue; Dulcamara; Devonian (period); coefficient of fluid diffusion; declassified; destroyer; disclosure; distantly controlled; Douglas; draft (draught); drawing paper; drizzling rain; drop; Dublin; dump; Durham; electrostatic flux-density; mean draft; moderate dust; degree of curvature
abbr., agrochem. density
abbr., amer. Democrat
abbr., automat. depth of cut; double reduction unit
abbr., avia. danger area; drag; departure; drag loading; drift angle; deceleration; decision; decoder; delayed; deliverables; derated; derivation; differentiator; door; Douglas Aircraft Company
abbr., biol. dam; deciduous; descendant; dominant
abbr., BrE Dragoons
abbr., busin. dacron; danger; dawning; deadweight; Dean; debit; debtor; diesel engine; difference; directorate; ditch; dock; down; dozen; driver; dues; duodecimo
abbr., cartogr. declination; disputed (area); doubtful
abbr., chem. dextro; diphenylguanidine
abbr., commer. damage; Deutsche; dinar
abbr., comp., net., IT Data
abbr., earth.sc. dacite; daphnite; dawsonite; Debye (unit); deca-; decision analysis; deflection; degeneracy; delta; demal; depression; depth of well penetration; desert; detail; dickite; diorite; dissipation; ,d distance; divide; dolerite; donau; dong; downthrow; dunite
abbr., EBRD questionable value (raf)
abbr., el. delay; detector; dialog; digitizer; dimensional; dimerized; directivity; disconnect; dispersion; distortion; dopant; driver; dropout; drop-out; dynatron
abbr., el., scient. Digital; Dynamic
abbr., electric. double contact
abbr., energ.ind. dead centre
abbr., energ.syst. distribution (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fishery total number of deaths
abbr., geophys. drift
abbr., insur. Displacement
abbr., IT Delete; Digit; Disaster; delete; differential; digit; diode; direct (Bricker); drum
abbr., med. Absorbed Dose Aspartic Acid; Aspartic Acid; Dermatologist; Dermatology (код больничного отделения Ying); Dermatologic; and C dilatation and curettage; right (opposite of left); diopter; dead (space gas; SUBSCRIPT); Dalton; diffusing (capacity); dihydrouridine (in nucleic acids); vitamin D potency of cod liver oil; dead space; Decimal Day; decree; deficit; dehydroepiandrosteron; Dental Branch; diffusion ability; dispensing patient; dorsal; duration of current flowing; potency of vitamin D
abbr., med., conv.notation. asparatic acid
abbr., med., lat. dexter; da
abbr., mil. Denied; total drift, data
abbr., mil., avia. D-band
abbr., mining. dust
abbr., nautic., scient. Depth
abbr., oil Darcy; decline; deliverability; depreciation; diffusion coefficient; dimensionless; daily; dead center; dead weight; deleted; delineation; depressurize; derivative; desk; detectability; detectivity; deviation control; diagram; diamagnetic; diamond; diaspore; diatom; diffusion; digital; dimensional; direct drive; discharge; discount; document; dollar; domain; donor; draft; dual; dynamo; dyne
abbr., phys. angle of deviation; dielectric flux density; electric flux density; group of 3 Fraunhofer lines in the yellow of solar spectrum
abbr., physiol., med. Death; Diagnosis; Drug
abbr., police Detective
abbr., polym. depth; design; deuterium; diameter; distance; drawn
abbr., radio dangerous area (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Germany); Delta (phonetic alphabet); Durci (Hardened (against EMP) (France)); Time zone 52.5 E - 67.5 E (GMT -4)
abbr., sport. Defense; defeat
abbr., tech. total drift
abbr., transp. Diesel
abbr., vulg. dick (She wants the D! urbandictionary.com Shabe)
abbr., work.fl. descriptor
energ.ind., abbr. darcy; data; day; department; deuterium; differential; diffusion coefficient; digit; dimension; distribution coefficient; district; dose; equivalent diameter; equivalent diameter of the unit; inside diameter of tubing; internal diameter of connecting pipe; riser diameter; tube diameter
genet. dense matrix loop (dimock)
invest. debenture; defendant; department
meteorol., abbr. danger area (following by identification); dark; darkness; dead; decreasing
mil. dead airspace; deceased; decoy; defeated; delivery; depot; deputy; deserter; destroy; destroyed; died; dimension; director; display; dispose; district; division; drill; drone; duty
mil., med. dose
O&G derivative term
oil, abbr. Devonian period; Devonian system
tech. coefficient of diffusion; datum; deci; deflection plate; delay; demodulator; demonstration; deviation; dial; dielectric; differential coefficient; diffusing capacity; diffusivity; dilution; discharged; dispatch; dispenser; double line; electric displacement
wood., abbr. diameter of centre hole
d [di:] abbr.
gen. 500
abbr. date and month; down quark (MichaelBurov); down-quark (MichaelBurov); date; thickness; daughter; day; dead; decimeter; degree; delivered; deuteron; deutron; development; diameter of pin hole; digital; dime; double decker; double draft; Drain; dried; dry; dry basis; ty; inside diameter; disintegration constant
abbr., busin. deferred; demand; demy; denier
abbr., commer. ditto
abbr., earth.sc. diatoms; dike; diluvial; diopside; disordered; doublet; well diameter
abbr., econ. penny
abbr., med. density; deci-; dextrorotatory; dangerous; decomposition; decreased; desirable; distal; diversity; dyspnea; mean absolute between co-twins
abbr., med., lat. detur
abbr., mil. surface drift
abbr., oil discretionary; dividend
abbr., telecom. deci-
agric. deformation; dry cow
cartogr. double
mining. denarius
O&G annual production decline rate; decay; deep; depletion; dew point; differential separation; dip; displaced; drainage; exponent drilling exponent; geophone spread; penetration exponent
spectr. doublet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "д" (дублет) Min$draV)
wood. d со стоящим перед ним числом служит для условного обозначения размеров гвоздей по длине (если число, стоящее перед d (но не превышающее 10), разделить на 4 и к частному прибавить 1/2, то получается длина гвоздей в дюймах, так (например, длина гвоздей 10 d = 3 дюймам))
d. abbr.
abbr. danger; dark; darkness; day; dead; deadweight; delete; delivery; delivered; dexter; differential; door; date; daughter; deceased
abbr., chem. dextrorotary
abbr., commer. deferred; demand; difference; dividend
abbr., earth.sc. decompose; deep; deformation; deluvial; derivation; deuteron; direct; ,d distance; thickness
abbr., econ. dime; drawing; denarius
abbr., libr. diagram; died; drama
construct. 1. dead load
insur. Departure; pence; Penny
lat. Dies ("day")
med. degree; dorsal
mining. depth; ditch
polym. damping; deci-; derivative; dextrorotatory; dispersion; distance
D. abbr.
abbr. Digesta; Divisional Court; Dow; Dowling's Bail Court Reports; deuterium; development; diametric; discharge; dose; dynamo; denier
abbr., earth.sc. density; drawn
abbr., econ. draft
abbr., insur. Dangerous; Diameter of a propeller; Draught; Molded depth
abbr., lat. Decimus (a common Roman forename); Depositus ("laid to rest"); Divus ("divine"); Dominus ("Lord"); Dulcis ("dear one")
abbr., law District Court (federal)
abbr., libr. daily; deputy; dictionary; district; division; duodecimo (12mo); dutch
abbr., met. F.R.A. Drop Forging Research Association
abbr., mining. declination; diameter; diopter; director; District Inspector; dollar
abbr., qual.cont. double
invest. department
law defence; defendant; dictum
wood. rip saws for hardwood and saws for joineries
d- abbr.
abbr. deoxy-
abbr., chem. dextro
D- abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. dextro-; dextral
abbr., med. prefix indicating that a molecule is sterically analogous to D glyceraldehyde
d- abbr.
abbr., med. dextrorotatory
'd abbr.
inf. had; should; would (после I, you, he и т.п.)
abbr. chromatic dispersion coefficient
D/А abbr.
abbr., bus.styl. days after acceptance
μD abbr.
abbr., el. microprocessor debugger
δd abbr.
abbr., sport. standard error of a difference
d/а abbr.
abbr., bus.styl. days after acceptance
ΔD abbr.
abbr., el. delta modulation
ωD abbr.
abbr., el. Debye frequency
.dɪ abbr.
abbr., inf. subordinate (olga69)
/d abbr.
abbr., med. per day
D/- abbr.
abbr., med. daily total in divided doses
D* abbr.
abbr., opt. detectivity
: 632 phrases in 65 subjects
Animal husbandry4
Antennas and waveguides6
Automatic control2
Earth sciences15
Electric motors2
Electricity generation1
Energy industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry24
Food service and catering4
Health care24
Information technology42
Labor law2
Life sciences10
Materials science2
Measuring instruments10
Mechanic engineering19
Municipal planning2
Natural sciences4
Nuclear physics1
Obsolete / dated2
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
Physical sciences2
Power lines4
Remote sensing3
Research and development5
Social science4
Sugar production10
Textile industry1
United Nations15
Work flow1