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 English thesaurus
Afr. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Africa; African
AFR abbr.
abbr. Afrikaans; Air Force Reserve; Alt Fairs Renaissance; Alternate Frame Rendering; Amazing Formula Refresh; Amplitude Frequency Responses; Annualized Failure Rate (Maxtor, HDD); Applicable Federal Rate; Assholes For Real; away-from-reactor
abbr., auto. air fuel ratio
abbr., avia. abbreviated flight plan routing; actual fuel remaining; Airbus France; air/fuel ratio; aircraft flight release; available for release
abbr., bank. Available Financial Resources (IBF)
abbr., busin. afraid; after
abbr., cem. AFR material (MichaelBurov); alt fuel from residues (MichaelBurov); alternative fuel from residues (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. automatic format recognition
abbr., construct. accident frequency rate (the number of accidents per 100,000 hours worked TatkaS)
abbr., econ. annual financial return (Maria Klavdieva)
abbr., el. application function routine; automatic field/format recognition; automatic flexible routing
abbr., electr.eng. asymmetrical fast thyristor
abbr., energ.syst. Alternative Fuel and Raw Materials (ntagiyev)
abbr., fin. African Department
abbr., IT asymptotic functional reproducibility (key2russia); Automatic fixture removal (функция устранения влияния тестовой оснастки во время проведения испытаний цифровых приборов Andrey250780)
abbr., lab.eq. Aqueous Flare Response
abbr., med. antifibrinolysin reaction
abbr., mil. assign frequency for network reporting
abbr., nucl.pow. FR (MichaelBurov); advanced fast reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil acetone-formaldehyde resin; acetone-furfural resin; additive flame-retardant; amplitude-frequency response
abbr., physiol. Aortic Flow Rate
abbr., qual.cont. acceptance failure rate
abbr., scottish Air / Fuel Ratio
abbr., tech. air Force Regulation; Air Force Regulation
abbr., telecom. anechoic frequency response
Apollo-Soyuz air flow regulator
energ.ind. acceptable fuel range; away from reactor
mil. acceptable failure rate; Air Force regulation; air-fuel ratio; aircraft flight report; artillery flash ranging
tech. access function register; acid fractionation recycle; aft fire room; automatic field recognition
Afr abbr.
abbr. Africa; African
afr abbr.
abbr. airframe
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects
Nuclear physics7