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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
steam [sti:m] n
gen. vapeur d'eau; vapeur m (d'eau)
agric. cuire à l'étuvée; cuire à la vapeur; ébouillanter; étuver
chem. vapeur d’eau; traiter à la vapeur; exhalaison f
tech. vapeur m
to steam [sti:m] n
industr., construct. vaporiser m
steaming ['sti:mɪŋ] v
agric. ébouillantage
food.ind. autoclavage
industr., construct., chem. vaporisage
life.sc., coal. injection de vapeur
mun.plan. endaubage
mun.plan., agric. étuvage
 English thesaurus
steam [sti:m] abbr.
abbr., oil stm
STEAM [sti:m] abbr.
abbr. Seminar To Educate And Motivate; Short Term Evangelism And Missions; Success Through Education And Motivation; Suzuki Talent Education Association Of Memphis
abbr., astronaut. space transportation effectiveness assessment model
abbr., ed. Steam fields are science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, together with art. (szalinka); Science, Technology, Education, Art and Mathematics (Alex_Odeychuk); Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics (отримання теоретичних наукових знань через практичну діяльність та вивчення мистецтва wikipedia.org bojana)
mil. sensor technology as applied to the Marine Corps
steam station
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Energy industry4
Mechanic engineering2