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verb | noun | to phrases
roam [rəum] v
commun. message d'itinérance
comp., MS utiliser son téléphone en déplacement (To use a phone outside the usual service area); itinérance (To move between different environments and have the same user experience in both environments)
roaming ['rǝʊmɪŋ] v
commun. trafic de longue portée; itinérance; service d'itinérance; suivi; déplacement
comp., MS, Canada itinérance (The process of maintaining connectivity outside of one's usual service or coverage area)
to roam v
commun. changer de zone de localisation
 English thesaurus
ROAM [rəum] abbr.
abbr., forestr. Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (Forest Landscape Restoration mep08060)
ROAM [rəum] abbr.
abbr., busin. return of assets managed
abbr., el. read-only associative memory; remote office access management
abbr., oil return on assets managed
ROAMS abbr.
abbr. Reusable Object Access and Management System
abbr., mil. Replacement Operations Automated Management System
roam: 59 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1