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peta ['petə-] n
industr., engl. peta m
 English thesaurus
PETA ['petə-] abbr.
abbr. Pederasts Envision A Transgendered America; People Eatiang Tasty Animals; People Eating Timid Animals; People Euthanizing The Animals; People Excusing Terrorist Atrocities; Please Eat Tasty Animals; Pamela Enhanced Top Anderson
abbr., ed. Primary English Teaching Association
abbr., el. portable electronic traffic analyzer
abbr., food.ind. Please Eat The Animals; Pretty Enjoyably Tasty Animals
abbr., inet. People Eating Tasty Animals
abbr., med. People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals
abbr., mil., avia. portable electronic traffic analyzer
abbr., plast. pentaerythritol triacrylate
abbr., vet.med., med. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
mil. performance evaluation and trend analysis
tech. parabolic erectable truss antenna; plutonium equipment transfer area
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
High energy physics2