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gen. acte autonome
comp., MS instrumenter
law acte; acte juridique; titre
law fin. acte instrumentaire; effet
patents. document
social.sc. engl. instrument
transp. industr. construct. instrumenter
| and
gen. ainsi que
| apparatus
health. appareillage
| for
gen. dans le chef de
| measuring
transp. limite de la plage de mesure
| checking
industr. construct. craquelures
| the
fin. La Banque nationale suisse a huit succursales.De plus,vingt agences sont gérées par des banques cantonales.
| flow, depth
 flow depth
life.sc. agric. tirant d'eau
| pressure
scub. la pression
| or
comp. OU
| other
stat. divers
| variables
math. variable aléatoire
| of
gen. en date du..
| l
tech. mech.eng. berceau
- only individual words found

noun | noun | to phrases
instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt] n
gen. acte autonome
chem. outil f; appareil m; ustensile m
comp., MS instrumenter (To tag the source code in order to measure the amount of time spent in each area)
law acte m; acte juridique; titre m
law, fin. acte instrumentaire; effet m
nat.res. dispositif m
patents. document m
social.sc., engl. instrument m
telecom. poste téléphonique (telephone)
instruments ['ɪnstrəmənts] n
gen. instruments de bord
med. instruments chirurgicaux
musical instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt] n
gen. instrument m (de musique)
to instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt] n
transp., industr., construct. instrumenter
instruments ['ɪnstrəmənts] n
med. instrumentation f
 English thesaurus
instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt] abbr.
abbr., mil. instr; instrm
law legal document
metrol. A device intended to make a measurement, alone or in conjunction with other equipment
mil., abbr. inst
instruments ['ɪnstrəmənts] abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. instr
instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking the flow, depth , pressure or other variables of
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil / petroleum1