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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
HD n
cinema à haute définition; haute définition
Hd n
life.sc., agric. humidité disponible du sol
 English thesaurus
HD abbr.
abbr. Hewlett Packard; Homeland defense (Artjaazz); Human Dimension; A Half Degree; Half Done; Hall Director; Hammer Down; Hammered Dulcimer; hand (comb form); Hand Drawn; Hans Dieter; Happy Day; Hardly Dangerous; Hardly Davidson; Hardware Design; Harley Davidson; harmonic distortion; Harmonised Document; Harmonized Document; Hausdorff Dimension; Have Done; Head Delegate; head diameter; Hearing Distance; Help Desk; Henry Draper; Henry Duncan; Hexagonal Diamond; High Desert; High Dose; High Dumbass; High Durability; Highest Divisor; ion impact desorption; ion induced desorption; hemadsorption; Hilary Doda; Historical Division; Holy Drumstick; Home Defense; Home Depot; Home Depot, Inc.; Homeless Dog; Horizontal Ground Distance; Horse Dung; Hospital Day; Host Directory; Hot Dog; House District; House Doctor; Hundred Dollars; Hundreds Of Dollars; Hurter And Driffield; Hurter Driffield; Hyperactive Disorder; high dose; Hard Disk
abbr., amer. Honorable Discharge
abbr., astronaut. Henry Draper catalog entry
abbr., avia. hammer die; hard disc; hardware development; heat distortion; height delay; historical development; hold
abbr., BrE Highland Division; home defence
abbr., clin.trial. Human Dose (Игорь_2006)
abbr., comp., net. half-duplex
abbr., dialys. haemodialysis
abbr., dog. hip dysplasia
abbr., el. hard decision (receiver); head drum; heavily damaging condition; hexagonal diamond structure; hierarchical direct; high-doping; highly dislocated; host drive; hot docking; hybrid detector
abbr., genet. homodomain
abbr., IT Hard Drive; hard disk (Bricker); Hard drive (жесткий диск kumold)
abbr., lab.eq. distilled mustard
abbr., med. Haab-Dimmer (syndrome); Heart Disease; Helix Destabilizing (protein); Hodgkin's Disease (lymphoma); Human Diploid (cells); hearing distance; hemodialysis (гемодиализ Dimpassy); Huntington's disease (болезнь Хантингтона Dimpassy); Hansen's disease; health development; hourly difference; hydatid disease; hydroxydopamine; hip disarticulation; Hirschsprung disease; horse dander
abbr., media. High Definition
abbr., met. hard-drawn
abbr., mil. sulphur mustard (Киселев); High Demand; hazard division; a mustard agent; homeland defense
abbr., mil., air.def. height-to-distance rate
abbr., mil., WMD Distilled mustard; mustard agent distilled, bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide; mustard
abbr., oil high detergent; hole diameter; hydril
abbr., opt. half duplex
abbr., physiol. Hip Dysplasia; human α-defensin; Huntington's Disease
abbr., polym. heavy-duty; hexadiene; high density
abbr., scottish Distilled Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent); Heavy Duty; High Drag (bomb)
abbr., uncom. hydraulic drive (igisheva)
energ.ind. high-density; hodoscope
mil. harbor defense; headquarters detachment; horizontal distance; horse-drawn; humanitarian deferment
physiol. Heart disease
physiol., med. Hemodialysis
tech. air-conditioning apparatus; half-duplex operation; half-duplex transmission; Hamming distance; hard drawn; hearth diameter; heavy decoy; hyperfocal distance
TV horizontal drive
Hd abbr.
abbr. hogshead
abbr., earth.sc. hedenbergite; hedyphane
chem. Hexanedione (iwona)
energ.ind. developed adiabatic head; developed adiabatic head of gas column
hd. abbr.
abbr. feet-head
abbr., earth.sc. hard
abbr., econ. heavy-duty
abbr., sport. head
pmp. total discharge head (общий напор greyhead)
hd abbr.
abbr. heading; height to distance ratio
abbr., med., lat. hora decubitus
polym. hard; head
Hd. abbr.
abbr. headland
abbr., earth.sc. head
HD D abbr.
abbr., IT Hard Disk Drive
hds abbr.
IT half-duplex
HDS abbr.
abbr. Hierarchical Data Storage; Hobbit Defense Squad; Hospitality Driven Services; Hypodermic Disposal Systems
abbr., auto. Honda diagnostic system
abbr., avia. horizontal drive shaft
abbr., BrE Head of Defence Sales
abbr., busin. headquarters
abbr., chem. hydrodesulfurization (mouse)
abbr., comp., IT High Density Storage
abbr., dentist. Hawaii Dental Service
abbr., earth.sc. high density satellite
abbr., el. half-duplex system; high-definition system (program); human-disintegrated manufacturing; hydrodesulfurization process; hyper data system
abbr., exhib. hot delivery service
abbr., health. Healthcare Data Solutions
abbr., IT Hierarchical Data System
abbr., Makarov. high-density shield
abbr., med. Health Delivery System; Herniated Disc Syndrome; Herniated Disk Syndrome
abbr., media. High Definition Surveying
abbr., mil. Hardware Design System; Head of Directing Staff
abbr., oil harmonically distorted sweep; high dispersion spectrograph; high-resolution data stream; hot dry rock development, successful; hybrid development system; hydrodesulfurizer; hyperbaric diving system
abbr., oil.proc. hydrosulfurization (key2russia); hydrodesulfurization (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. Hold Deprivation Syndrome; Hypodermic Disposal System
abbr., scottish Headquarters Distribution System; Helicopter Delivery Service; High Definition Systems
abbr., space high-density satellite
abbr., sport. Historical Diving Society
abbr., tel. Historical Data Server (Yakov)
abbr., tradem. Hitachi Data Systems
energ.ind. hydrazine dosing system
mil. hard-point defense system; hardware description sheet; historical data system
physiol. Herniated disc syndrome
tech. high-density storage; high-speed digital switch; hydrogen detection system
hds: 12 phrases in 6 subjects
Materials science3