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agric. mettre en tonneau; mettre en tonneaux
construct. remblai technique
earth.sc. mech.eng. garnissage; remplissage
el. construct. remblayer
industr. construct. fil de trame
industr. construct. met. enfournement unitaire; enfourner
law life.sc. entassement
| load
econ. chargement
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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
fill [fɪl] n
comp., MS remplissage m (" In computer graphics, the colored or patterned "paint" inside an enclosed figure, such as a circle. The portion of the shape that can be colored or patterned is the fill area. Drawing programs commonly offer tools for creating filled or nonfilled shapes; the user can specify color or pattern.")
construct. matériau de remblai
industr., construct. remplissage isolant
met. charge f; chargement m; charger m; enfournement m
transp., mil., grnd.forc., construct. remblai m
fill [fɪl] v
comp. compléter
filling ['fɪlɪŋ] v
gen. remplissage; remplir
agric. emplissage
chem. rebouchage
commun., transp. chargement
construct. remblayage; étanchéification
health. obturation
hobby, cultur. tiroir
industr., construct. trame; charge; fil de trame
industr., construct., chem. coloration des traits gravés
industr., construct., met. enfournement; enfournement unitaire
med. plombage; obturation à l'amalgame
met. enfourner
mun.plan., agric. bourratif
tech. surcharge; aplat suivant le cas
tech., industr., construct. masticage; bourrage
textile charge des tissus
filling up ['fɪlɪŋ] v
agric. ouillage; récapage
fill [fɪl] adj.
gen. remplir (in, up, out); garnir (in, up, out)
chem. remplir; garnir
chem., met. mastiquer
construct. remblai technique; remblaiement artificiel; bourrer; déverser; enlever; inonder; noyer; combler
earth.sc., mech.eng. garnissage; remplissage
industr., construct. fil de trame
industr., construct., met. enfournement unitaire
law, life.sc. entassement
met. lit de fusion; enfourner; poids de remplissage
pack. emballer; mettre en bouteilles; embouteiller; décanter
sail. se gonfler (sail)
shoot. stocker; emmagasiner
transp. boucher
transp., chem. faire le plein
transp., construct. terrain rapporté
transp., mil., grnd.forc., construct. remblayage
to fill [fɪl] adj.
agric. mettre en tonneau; mettre en tonneaux
el., construct. remblayer
industr., construct., met. enfourner
 English thesaurus
fill [fɪl] abbr.
abbr. filler; filling
fill. abbr.
abbr. filling
fill load
: 1 phrase in 1 subject