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astr. tourbillon
chem. cheville; tourillon
earth.sc. life.sc. vortex; rouleau d'eau
hydrol. contrecourant
life.sc. tourbillon de turbulence
life.sc. environ. remous
life.sc. industr. construct. remole
nat.res. remous de courant
| diffusivity
tech. coefficient de diffusion
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
eddy ['edɪ] n
astr. tourbillon m (remous)
chem. cheville f; tourillon m
earth.sc., life.sc. vortex m; rouleau d'eau
hydrol. contrecourant m
life.sc. tourbillon de turbulence
life.sc., environ. remous m
life.sc., industr., construct. remole f
nat.res. remous de courant
sail. gouffre m; tourbillonner
transp. tourbillon m
eddying ['εdiɪŋ] v
transp., polit. tourbillonnaire
 English thesaurus
Eddy ['edɪ] abbr.
abbr., names, dimin. Edward; Edwin
EDDY ['edɪ] abbr.
abbr. Enterprising Dedicated Dynamic Youth
eddy diffusivity
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Earth sciences1