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gen. Tirage
agric. industr. bouffée
comp., MS créer
industr. construct. étirer; course
industr. construct. met. débit; production du four; tirée
market. fin. tirer
met. étirer
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noun | verb | adjective | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
draw [drɔ:] n
gen. faire match nul; tirer (bien, well)
draw [drɔ:] v
comp. dessin; traîner; déposer; tracer; tirer
load.equip. tracter
stat. dresser
drawing ['drɔ:ɪŋ] v
gen. représentation
agric., health., anim.husb. signalement graphique
chem. étirage
cultur. dessin artistique
environ. prélèvement
fin. tirage au sort
mater.sc., construct. plan
tech. tréfilage
tech., chem. emboutissage
transp. pièce dessinée; projet
draws v
life.sc. dépressions drainant les prairies
draw [drɔ:] adj.
agric., industr. bouffée
box. match sans décision
chem. puiser (a kiln)
chess.term. nulle (partie nulle)
comp., MS créer (To prepare a bill of exchange or a promissory note)
construct. de tension; de traction
industr., construct. course; tension; tirage
industr., construct., met. débit; production du four; tirée
law former un tableau de jurés; tirer les jurés au sort
mater.sc., industr., construct. prélever
met. étirer; démoulage; retirure; effet Léonard
pack. étirer (sheet metal); draper (sheet metal, des feuilles de métal)
row. puiser
sport. match nul; ex aequo; tirage au sort
tech., chem. dépouille
tech., coal. tiroir
transp. dessiner
Draw [drɔ:] adj.
gen. Tirage
to draw adj.
industr., construct. étirer
market., fin. tirer
transp., met. caler
 English thesaurus
Draw [drɔ:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. drawing
DRAW [drɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Dignity And Respect At Work (Interex)
abbr., comp., net. direct read after write
abbr., IT Declutter Read Assess And Write
abbr., media. Direct Read After Write
abbr., mil., avia. dual role attack weapon
mil. dual-role attack weapon
tech. direct read after write nonerasable
Draw [drɔ:] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .drw
DRAW [drɔ:] abbr.
abbr., avia. computer drawback and inventory reporting; customs drawback and inventory reporting
DRAW [drɔ:] abbr.
abbr. direct-read-after-write
abbr., busin. drawing No.
draw out: 22 phrases in 9 subjects
High energy physics8
Information technology2
Natural sciences1
Research and development1