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DOC [dɔk] abbr.
abbr. Date Of Completion; Department Of Conservation; Direct Operating Cost; Dave's Own Citadel; Day Old Chick (en Deff); De.organizationCCC (Usenet, CCC); Demonstrate Observe Correct; Desired Operational Capability; Digital Oscillator Control; Display Operator Console; Dream Of Children; Dumbarton Oaks Collection; Dynamic Overload Control; Medical Advisory Systems, Inc.; direct operational costs
abbr., AmE Department of Corrections (Anglophile)
abbr., anim.husb. 11-deoxycorticosterone; desoxycorticosterone
abbr., auto. diesel oxidizing converter
abbr., automat. depth of cut
abbr., avia. dicrect operating costs (Interex); data output channel; Department Of Communication, Canada; description of change; direct other charge
abbr., biol. deoxycorticosterone
abbr., Canada Department of Communications
abbr., chem., scient. Dissolved Organic Compounds
abbr., ecol. dissolved organic carbon (лист безопасности Yuriy83)
abbr., ed. Department Of Corrections
abbr., el. dielectric-on-center conductor (semfromshire); data output clock pulse; data over cable; decimal to octal conversion; depth of charge; drop out compensator; dynamic output control
abbr., environ. Documentation Of Compliance
abbr., health., med. Duty Of Care
abbr., insur. drive-other-car endorsement
abbr., IT Distributed Object Computing; Text DOCument; decimal-to-octal conversion; department of commerce (Bricker)
abbr., logist. document charge; Document of Certification
abbr., mar.law Document of Compliance (Ying)
abbr., med. Doctors Opposing Circumcision; Doctors Ought To Care; Date of Conception (harser); deoxycholate
abbr., meteorol. U.S. Department of Commerce
abbr., mil. Department Of Commerce; Directorate Of Contracting; designed operational capability
abbr., mil., avia. data and operations center
abbr., mus. Dirge of Cerberus
abbr., nautic., scient. Department of Commerce; Dissolved Organic Carbon
abbr., new.zeal. Department of Concervation (министерсво по защите окружеющей среды gauma)
abbr., oil declaration of compliance; drilled out cement
abbr., org.name. Documents Service
abbr., physiol. Dissolved Organic Compound
abbr., physiol., med. Died of Other Causes; Dissolved Oxygen Content
abbr., police Drug Of Choice
abbr., relig. Disciples Of Christ
abbr., scottish Delayed Opening Chaff; District Officer Commanding; Division Officer Course (USA)
abbr., tax. documentation charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. Diesel-Oil Cement (Vosoni); Drop-Out Compensator (Vosoni)
abbr., textile data on children's steepwear
abbr., vet.med. poussin d'un jour
ecol. dissolved oxygen concentration
interntl.trade., abbr. Department of Commerce (U. S.)
law Department of Correction
law, abbr. Department of Corrections (Washington)
mil. date of change; death from other causes; defense operations center; degree of cooperation; demonstration of operational capability; design operational capability; direct operating costs; due-out cancellation
tech. data operations and control; data optimizing computer; day old cockerel
transp., abbr. Department of Commerce (US)
TV dropout compensator
DoC [dɔk] n
gen. Declaration of Commerciality (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr. declaration of conformance (igisheva); Declaration of Conformity (Artjaazz)
abbr., meteorol. Department of @ConservationN.Z.
IT Declaration of Conformity
nautic. Document of Compliance (ла гата)
doc [dɔk] n
IT documentation
mil., lingo document (MichaelBurov); doctor (MichaelBurov)
Doc. abbr.
abbr. doctor
.doc n
file.ext. Documentation (file name extensions)
doc. abbr.
abbr. document
Docs [dɔk] abbr.
abbr., econ. document (s)
.DOC n
IT application/msword
docs. abbr.
abbr. documents (Vosoni)
DOCS abbr.
abbr. Department Of Community Services; DSCS Operations Control System
abbr., dentist. Dental Organization For Conscious Sedation
abbr., el. digital optical communications system; digital optical control system
abbr., law Department Of Child Snatching
abbr., med. deoxycorticoides
abbr., mil. Documents; DSCS Operational Control System
abbr., oil drilling operations computer system
mil. digital/optical control system
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Life sciences3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1