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delay [dɪ'leɪ] n
gen. décélération f; avec prolongation de l'effet
chem. ralentissement m; déformation f
commun. délai d'attente
comp. retard m
comp., MS retard m (The amount of time between the scheduled start of a task and the time when work should actually begin on the task; it is often used to resolve resource overallocations. There are two types of delay: assignment delay and leveling delay); retard m (The amount of time between the scheduled start of a task and the time when work should actually begin on the task; it is often used to resolve resource overallocations. There are two types of delay: assignment delay and leveling delay)
el. temps de propagation; temps de transmission; délai de réponse à un échelon; délai de réponse sinusoïdale; durée f; délai m; temporisation f; vitesse f
IT, el. temps mort
lab.law. attente f
ling. retardement m
mil., logist. freiner m (to)
patents. demeure f; suspendre f; remise f; renvoi m
telecom. retardation f
transp. reporter m; retarder
 English thesaurus
delay [dɪ'leɪ] abbr.
abbr., agric. del (ed)
mil., abbr. del; dl; dla; dly
DELAY [dɪ'leɪ] abbr.
abbr., sport. delay the game
Delay [dɪ'leɪ] abbr.
abbr., scottish D (fuzes)
delay to n
mil., logist. To slow down the enemy's progression in a direction or in an area by the action of mobile detachments, through fires and obstacles. FRA
delay action: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Mechanic engineering1
Water resources1