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Dec n
earth.sc. m
 English thesaurus
dec abbr.
abbr. deceased; decimal; decimeter; deciphering; decision; declaration; declared; decoding; decoration; decrease
abbr., med. decayed; deciduous; decomposition
abbr., med., lat. decanta
cartogr. decomposed
gram. declension
dec. abbr.
abbr. decimal; decoration; decrease
abbr., chem. decomposition
abbr., earth.sc. decimeter; declination; decompose; decomposes
abbr., econ. declaration
abbr., libr. deceased; decorated
abbr., plast. decomposes
econ. decimetre (Seregaboss)
DEC abbr.
abbr. December; Department Of Environmental Conservation; Disasters Emergency Committee; District Export Council; Do Expect Cuts; Downhill, Etc., Crew; Department of Environmental Conservation; Detroit Edison Company; Development and Education Command; Disaster Emergency Committee
abbr., adv. daily effective circulation
abbr., archit. Display Energy Certificate (Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are required to be displayed in public buildings in a place accessible to the public, such as a reception area, to help the public understand how energy efficient a particular building is. balkonchik)
abbr., auto. digital electronic controller; digital engine control
abbr., automat. deceleration; decreasing
abbr., avia. Decatur, Illinois USA; digital data module (Interex); distance electric control
abbr., commun. digital data communications message protocol
abbr., comp.name. Dongfang Electric Corporation; Dongfang Electric Co, Ltd
abbr., data.prot. decipher
abbr., dentist. Dental Education Clinic
abbr., el. data exchange control; deviant electronic configuration; double error correcting code; dynamically expanding context
abbr., electr.eng. direct emergency control; direct energy conversion; distant electric control
abbr., file.ext. Device Clear
abbr., food.serv. dietary energy consumption
abbr., immunol. dendritic epidermal cell
abbr., IT Decoded file; Digital Equipment Corp
abbr., med. diethylcarbamazine
abbr., mil. Digital Equipment Corporation
abbr., mil., avia. control escort vessel
abbr., nucl.pow. design extension conditions (MichaelBurov); beyond-design conditions (MichaelBurov); beyond design reactor conditions (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. detailed design engineering contractor (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., physiol. Desquamated Epithelial Cell
abbr., physiol., med. Deceased; Decrease
abbr., post Division Environmental Coordinator (USPS)
abbr., progr. data element concept (ssn)
abbr., scottish Defense Electronics Center (USAF); Digital Electronic Control; Digital Equipment Corp. (Switzerland)
abbr., transp. Drug Evaluation and Classification
Apollo-Soyuz design evaluation comment
progr., IT Decrement
tech. digital evaluation computer; dry electrolytic capacitor; dynamic energy conversion
Dec abbr.
abbr. danger area; declination; degree; depth; destroyed; diameter; disputed (area); double; doubtful; December
DEc abbr.
abbr., busin. Doctor of Economics
Dec. n
lat. Decanus ("dean")
"Dec" n
archit. Decorated style
mil., abbr. Digital Equipment Corporation (Virtual Address Extension)
Dec. abbr.
abbr. December
DEC abbr.
abbr. decahydronaphthalene; Digital Equipment Corp.
abbr., busin. decimetre; decompose; decoppering; decoder
abbr., comp.name. Data Equipment Company
abbr., earth.sc. Department of the Environment of Canada; dynamic emission control
abbr., oil data engineering chain; diesel electric with SCR silicon controlled rectifier converting system; discovery efficiency coefficient; dynamic exchange capacity
abbr., pharma. drug-event combination (пара "лекарственное средство-нежелательное явление" Min$draV)
abbr., space detached experiment carrier; detector control
: 2 phrases in 1 subject