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agric. chiendent ( agropyrum repens (Agropyrum repens, Cynocon dactylon); chiendent agropyrum repens;с.-х. cynodon dactylon (Agropyrum repens, Cynocon dactylon); cynodon dactylon ) (Agropyrum repens, Cynocon dactylon)
life.sc., agric. chiendent m
nat.sc. chiendent ou herbe à brosses
couch grass ['kauʧgrɑ:s]
agric. chiendent ordinaire (Agropyron repens); froment rampant (Agropyron repens)
bot. chiendent commun Agropyron repens, Elymus repens; chiendent ordinaire Agropyron repens, Elymus repens; froment rampant Agropyron repens, Elymus repens; blé rampant Agropyron repens, Elymus repens
nat.sc., agric. chiendent commun (Agropyron repens, Elytrigia repens, Triticum repens); chiendent rampant (Agropyron repens, Elytrigia repens, Triticum repens)
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences3