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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
cot [kɔt] n
astr. cotangente f
brit. lit d'enfant; petit lit
construct. manicle f (du maçon)
med. berceau m; doigtier m; bassinet m
textile manchon m; embout femelle
Cot [kɔt] n
med. courbe de Cot; Cot m
cots n
gen. berceaux m
 English thesaurus
cot [kɔt] abbr.
abbr. crib (брит. Bobrovska); baby bed (брит. Bobrovska)
opt. cotangent
cot. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. cotter
COT [kɔt] abbr.
abbr. Carry Over Transactions; Cult Of Tracker; Card Or Tape (NCR); Committee on Toxicity ... of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (of the Department of Health); continuous operating temperature (ABelonogov); cost of test (Yakov)
abbr., astronaut. Columbus Operations Team
abbr., avia. at the coast; compressor outlet temperature (Interex); cotter (Interex); card or tape reader; change order traceability; checkout time; contractor operability test; current operating
abbr., drug.name Cotinine
abbr., el. central office trunk; chip on tape (assembly); class of traffic; class of trunk; customer-oriented terminal
abbr., el., scient. Customer-owned tooling
abbr., el., sec.sys. Continuous Operating Temperature; Continuous Operating Temperature of the compound
abbr., IT Central Office Terminal; Cause of Transmission (Евгений Хомяков)
abbr., law Circle Of Truth
abbr., math., scient. Co-Tangent
abbr., med. College Of Occupational Therapists; cardiac output by thermodilution; critical off-time
abbr., mil. Commanding Officer Troops; commanding officer of troops; crisis operations team
abbr., O&G, sakh. crude oil terminal
abbr., oil Coil outlet temperature (максимальная температура змеевика на выходе Iva Maria)
abbr., physiol., med. Cotton
abbr., polym. cyclooctatetraene
abbr., relig. Circle Of Trust
abbr., sport. Camping Device
abbr., st.exch. Commitment Of Traders
abbr., vet.med., med. Cat Over Temp
energ.ind., abbr. control oil tank
meteorol., abbr. coast
mil., abbr. check-out time; clutter on target; commander of troops; consecutive overseas tour; consolidated operability test; coordinated operability test; current operating time
st.exch. commitment of traders (dimock)
tech., abbr. cargo oil tank
cot [kɔt] n
math. ctg (<в русскоязычных материалах> MichaelBurov)
COT [kɔt] abbr.
abbr. chanel of trade (GRIffit)
abbr., avia. cotter pin
abbr., busin. Chief of Transportation; condition of tow
abbr., chem. carbon organic total (в текстах написанных немцами Berni)
abbr., comp. card or tape record
abbr., earth.sc. continuous tone
abbr., IT customer office terminal
abbr., med. Community Outpatient Treatment (iwona); chronic opioid therapy (iwona); change of therapy (iwona)
abbr., oil coil-outlet temperature; continent-ocean transition
abbr., sport. China Olympic Team
abbr., UN, geol. continental oceanic transitional zone
: 33 phrases in 13 subjects
Health care4
Materials science1
Medical appliances2
United Nations1