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to phrases
coastal water
environ. eaux côtières; eau littorale
environ., fish.farm. eaux du littoral
life.sc. eau côtière
coastal waters
environ. eaux littorales
life.sc. bande côtière; eaux intérieures du littoral
polit. eaux côtières
coastal water Coastal waters are typically characterized by a shallow continental shelf, gently sloping seaward to a continental slope, which drops relatively abruptly to the deep ocean. The proximity of coastal water to land also influences the water circulation. In the vicinity of freshwater inflows, the nearshore circulation is altered by the presence of density-driven motions. Coastal waters are under enormous environmental stress, caused by a wide range of factors including pollution and the destruction and deterioration of marine habitats
environ. eaux côtières
coastal water: 9 phrases in 7 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Life sciences3
Name of organization1
United Nations1