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climax ['klaɪməks] n
cinema climax m
life.sc., environ. climax : stade terminal
med. acmé f; sommet m
tagmem. point culminant
transp., polit. système d'émission à porteuse décalée
the moment of climax ['klaɪməks] n
lit. la petite mort
climax A botanical term referring to the terminal community said to be achieved when a sere (a sequential development of a plant community or group of plant communities on the same site over a period of time) achieves dynamic equilibrium with its environment and in particular with its prevailing climate. Each of the world's major vegetation climaxes is equivalent to a biome. Many botanists believe that climate is the master factor in a plant environment and that even if several types of plant succession occur in an area they will all tend to converge towards a climax form of vegetation ['klaɪməks] n
environ. climax m
 English thesaurus
climax ['klaɪməks] n
lit. Indicates the arrival of any time of crucial intensity in a play or narrative. It is also a word used to show that particular moment when the rising action leads to a peak in the destinies of the hero or heroine.
: 32 phrases in 8 subjects
Health care1
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences14
Soil science1