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comp., MS papier de luxe
econ. obligation financière
fin. obligation; part obligataire; titre obligataire
industr. construct. poste
tech. chem. coller; jonction
tech. industr. construct. collage
transp. liaison
| rating
el. donnée limite
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
bond [bɔnd] n
gen. obligation d'entreprise
bank. rente f
chem. lier; combinaison f; agglutination f; liaison f (Adhesion between a coating and the surface to which it is applied)
comp. bondérisation f; soudure f
comp., MS papier de luxe (Lightweight paper commonly used for letterhead and other business publications)
construct. disposition en assises; disposition en pits; appareiller
econ. obligation financière; garantie f
fin. obligation f; part obligataire; titre obligataire; emprunt d'obligations; emprunt obligataire; emprunt par obligations; sorry bond
industr. adhésivité f
industr., construct. poste m
industr., construct., chem. collure f
law plomber; soumission cautionnée; soumission de crédit
law, econ. caution f; cautionnement m; engagement m
law, fin. billet du trésor; garantie de paiement; obligation d'emprunt
met. adhérence f; agglutinant m; agglomérat m; révolution de machine d'extraction
pack. joint m; coller; attacher; adhérer; se coller; être collé; encoller
tech., chem. jonction f
tech., industr., construct. collage m
transp. liaison f; adhésion f
welf. bon m; titre m
wood. cohésion f; agglomérer
bonds n
gen. titres d'emprunt; les titres
account. obligations f
fin. emprunts obligataires
bond material [bɔnd] n
gen. liaison matériau
government bond [bɔnd] n
gen. obligation d'État
bond customs [bɔnd] n
insur. soumission f
to bond [bɔnd] n
tech., chem. coller
bond [bɔnd] v
gen. mettre en dépôt
comp. bondériser; coupler
 English thesaurus
bond [bɔnd] abbr.
abbr. bd
fin. sorry bond
law A certificate or evidence of a debt; certificate of debt redeemable by court if defendant fails to appear in court, made to secure the release of defendant awaiting trial
BOND [bɔnd] abbr.
abbr., avia. bonding
abbr., IT bandwidth ON demand (Bricker)
abbr., law Blanchardstown Offenders For New Directions
abbr., mil., avia. bonding
BOND [bɔnd] abbr.
abbr., avia. banding
bond rating: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations2