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gen. contingent
arts. cliché
fin. lab.law. bloquer
industr. construct. met. mailloche; tête du diamant; rabot à diamant ou à molette
math. bloc
tech. îlot; pâté de maisons
fish.farm. blocs
| of
gen. en date du..
| assignment statement
 assignment statement
comp. opérateur d'assignation
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
block [blɔk] n
gen. contingent m; blochet m; câle; cale a cale; cale f; navette f; caler; un pâté de maison; faire obstruction à
account. valeur brute; nette des actifs
agric. clan m; parcelle culturale; sole f
agric., construct. zone privilégiée dans la distribution d'eau suivant le block system
agric., mech.eng. sabot d'arrêt; estrope f
arts. cliché m
box. fermeture f
build.struct. tasseau m
chem. lingot m
coal. périmètre m
comp. unité f (as a part of construction); bloc m (as a part of construction); module m (as a part of construction)
comp., MS bloc m (A Transact-SQL statement enclosed by BEGIN and END)
construct. maisons en bandes; îlot m; brique f; bâtiment m; édifice m; grume f
cultur., industr., construct. noyau m
fish.farm., mech.eng. poulie f
forestr. canton m; cantons m; sections forestières
hobby contre m; blocage m
industr. tablette f
industr., construct., chem. planche f
industr., construct., met. mailloche f; tête du diamant; rabot à diamant ou à molette
IT pavé m; enregistrement physique; cartouche f; groupe de mots
life.sc., coal. échelon m
mach.mech. ensemble m; unité f; groupe m
math. bloc m
med. séquence f; anesthésie régionale; agglutinat; masse compacte
met. paquet m
mil., logist. barrer une direction, un itinéraire
pack. serrer m; verrouiller
radio flot dans un réseau de télédistribution
rem.sens. bloc de bandes
tech. îlot urbain; pâté de maisons; palan m
tech., mech.eng. coulisseau m
telecom. interdire; discriminer
transp. tin m; canton de block; section de block; bloc cylindre; bloc-moteur m; chariot m; engorger
transp., mech.eng. bloc d'ancrage
transp., polit. tronçon m
voll. contrer
wrest. parer la prise
blocks ['blɔks] n
gen. bloc de dissipation d'énergie
construct. blocs m (massifs)
met. masses f
block of successive zeros n
commun. bloc de zéros successifs
Block [blɔk] n
comp., MS Bloquer m (A permission setting that prevents a person or domain from adding the user to contact lists, seeing the user's status, or sending instant messages to the user)
blocks frozen ['blɔks] n
fish.farm. blocs m (congelés)
to block n
fin., lab.law. bloquer m
block on claim form n
welf. case f
block effectivity n
work.fl., mater.sc. cartouche validites
block [blɔk] v
gen. mettre un frein à
comp. bloquer
ling. bloquer грам.
 English thesaurus
block [blɔk] abbr.
abbr., avia. stretch
abbr., polygr. blk
IT, dat.proc. block
mil., abbr. bl
mil., logist. To stop an enemy progressing on a given direction or route. 2. A tactical mission task that denies the enemy access to an area or prevents his advance in a direction or along an avenue of approach. 3. An obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to stop an attacker along a specific avenue of approach or to prevent him from passing through an engagement area. (FRA)
blocks frozen ['blɔks] n
fish.farm. blok (smrznut)
BLOCK [blɔk] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. bus lock
block of: 200 phrase in 36 subjects
British usage, not spelling2
Building structures1
Electrical engineering1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology19
Life sciences1
Medical appliances1
Milk production1
Municipal planning2
Name of organization1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3
Social science1
Speed skating1