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avia. meas.inst. vitesse de vol
comp., MS système autonome
| was to be
 ... was to be ...
account. devait être
| expected
welf. s'attendre à
gen. anticipé
med. attendu; escompté
stat. espérance mathématique

conjunction | abbreviation | to phrases
AS [æz] conj.
avia., meas.inst. vitesse de vol
comp., MS système autonome (A group of routers or networks controlled by a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) for routing packets. Each autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an autonomous-system number (ASN))
as ... [æs] conj.
gen. en qualité de ...
 English thesaurus
AS [æs] abbr.
abbr., bank. after sight (4uzhoj)
AS [æs] abbr.
abbr. Academy of Science (s); assembler; Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux); USN Rating Aviation Support Equipment Technician (Alex Lilo); Aanstaande (Alex Lilo); Abandon Ship (Alex Lilo); Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart Alex Lilo); Absolutely Stupid; Abstract Syntax (Alex Lilo); Academia Sinica (Taiwan Alex Lilo); Academy of Science (Vosoni); Access Stratum (3GPP Alex Lilo); Access System (JOPES); Acquisition/Application System (Alex Lilo); American Singles (Alex Lilo); Acrylonitrile Styrene (Alex Lilo); Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java Alex Lilo); active substance (Yakov); Activesync (Microsoft software Alex Lilo); Activity Start; Acute Sinusitis (Alex Lilo); Adam Sandler (actor Alex Lilo); Add Sideways; Add Subnet; Additional Shift (used on overtime forms Alex Lilo); Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells Alex Lilo); Address Strobe (Alex Lilo); Administrative Simplification (Alex Lilo); Administrative Site (Alex Lilo); Administrative Support (Alex Lilo); Administrative System (Bellcore Alex Lilo); Adopted Son (Alex Lilo); Adult Situations (Alex Lilo); Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block Alex Lilo); Advanced Schottky (Alex Lilo); Advanced Solutions; Advanced Subsidiary level (UK Alex Lilo); Advanced Switching (Alex Lilo); Aerial Surveillance; Aeronautical Science (Flight Major Alex Lilo); Aerospace Corporation (Alex Lilo); Aerospace Society (Alex Lilo); Aerospace Standards (Alex Lilo); Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series Alex Lilo); Aft Shroud (Alex Lilo); After Sperry; After-Sales Service (Alex Lilo); AfterStep (Window Manager for X Alex Lilo); Agency Services (Alex Lilo); Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies Alex Lilo); Aggregate Subbase (construction Alex Lilo); Aggregate Supply (economics Alex Lilo); Aggressor Squadron (Alex Lilo); Agrarian System (Alex Lilo); Agreement State; Air Sampling (station Alex Lilo); Air Sealed (Alex Lilo); Air Seasoned Timber (Alex Lilo); Air Staff; Air Surveillance; Airfield Services (Alex Lilo); airscoop; airspeed; Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company Alex Lilo); Alarm Surveillance (Alex Lilo); Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code Alex Lilo); Alaska Statute; Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer Alex Lilo); Alignment Signal (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Alka-Seltzer (Alex Lilo); All Source (Alex Lilo); All Star (sports Alex Lilo); All Stars (Disney resort Alex Lilo); Allocation Status; Allowance Standard (Alex Lilo); Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard Alex Lilo); Alto Saxophone (Alex Lilo); Altostratus (cloud formation Alex Lilo); Amalgamated Society; Amateur Satellite; American Samoa; American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials; Amino Salicylic Acid (Alex Lilo); ammeter switch; Ammonium Sulphate; Ammunition Specialist (Alex Lilo); Ampere Sensor (Alex Lilo); Ampere Switch (Alex Lilo); Anaerobic Seeder (Alex Lilo); Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character Alex Lilo); Anal Seepage (Alex Lilo); analog secure (US DoD Alex Lilo); Analog Switch (Alex Lilo); Analysis Subsystem (Alex Lilo); Anatolian Studies (Alex Lilo); Ancillary Services (Alex Lilo); Angel Sanctuary (Manga Alex Lilo); Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move Alex Lilo); Angled Single (Alex Lilo); Anglo-Saxon; Anno Satanas (Alex Lilo); Anno Societatis; Annual Summary (Alex Lilo); Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company Alex Lilo); Anonymous Sender (Alex Lilo); Another Subject (Alex Lilo); Answer Supervision (Alex Lilo); Anti Static (Alex Lilo); Anti Surge (type of electric fuse Alex Lilo); Anti Sweat (Alex Lilo); Anti-Scintillation (Alex Lilo); Anti-Social (Alex Lilo); Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album Alex Lilo); antisubmarine; Aperture Stop (Alex Lilo); AppleScript (Alex Lilo); AppleShare (Alex Lilo); Appliance Server; Applicability Statement (Alex Lilo); Application Software (NEC Alex Lilo); Applied Science (Alex Lilo); Approaches Standards (school grading system Alex Lilo); Aqueous Solution (Alex Lilo); Archive Server (Alex Lilo); Area Security (Alex Lilo); Area Source (Alex Lilo); Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites Alex Lilo); Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army Alex Lilo); Armed Services; Armed Services Committee; Army Security; Army Staff; Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician Alex Lilo); Arsenal Ship (Alex Lilo); Articulation Score (Alex Lilo); artificial satellite; Artificial Stupidity (Alex Lilo); As Stated (Alex Lilo); Asbestos Survey (Alex Lilo); Ascent Stage (Alex Lilo); Asian Sensation (Alex Lilo); Aspheric Subassembly (Alex Lilo); Assamese; Assassin/Assassination (Alex Lilo); Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel Alex Lilo); Assault Shotgun; Assault Support (Alex Lilo); Assigned (Telabs Alex Lilo); Assistant Referee (Soccer Alex Lilo); Associate in Science (Alex Lilo); Associate of Science (Alex Lilo); Associated Students (Alex Lilo); Associated Support (Alex Lilo); Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club Alex Lilo); Athletics (Oakland baseball team Alex Lilo); ATM Switch (Alex Lilo); Attachment Sheet (Alex Lilo); Audioslave (band Alex Lilo); Auger Spectroscopy (Alex Lilo); Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear Alex Lilo); Auris Sinistra (left Ear); Austin Servers (online gaming community Alex Lilo); Australian Shepherd (dog breed Alex Lilo); Australian Standard (Alex Lilo); Authentication Server (Alex Lilo); Authentication Service (DCE); Author Space (webcomic Alex Lilo); Authorization Subsystem (Alex Lilo); Automatically Switching; Automation Specialist (Alex Lilo); Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts Alex Lilo); Auxiliary Steam (Alex Lilo); Auxiliary Submarine (Alex Lilo); Aviation Safety (Alex Lilo); aviation ship (US DoD Alex Lilo); Complex Antenna (Alex Lilo); FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit; Wait (logging abbreviation Alex Lilo); Anabolic Steroid; Atropine Sulphate; Administrative and Scientific Progress Report; aftersight; armament supply; Australian Standards
abbr., agric. astigmatic
abbr., agric., chem. ammonium sulphate
abbr., astronaut. Authorized Service (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. aerial system; air second intake unit; air suction vacuum switching valve; air suspension; air switching; ambient air temperature sensor; antenna system; automatic shift; automatic speed control
abbr., automat. Automation System (система автоматизации Tektonov)
abbr., avia. aircraft stand; air start (starting); aircraft airplane services; airplane support; airworthiness standard; alpha speed; anti-skid; accomplishment summary (Interex); aerospatiale (Interex); auto stabilization (Interex); aircraft surveillance; adjustable spanner; advisory service; aeronautic standards; aeronautical air specifications; aerospace airspeed; air system; airframe supplier; airline aircraft support; airplane services; airplane summary; airport service; airspace standard; airspeed switch; alternates and substitutes; altimeter setting; altitude select; aspect ratio; assembly sequence; assembly short; attitude set; automatic slots; auxiliary step; avionics system
abbr., biol. ammoniacal silver; Arias-Stella reaction
abbr., BrE admiral superintendent
abbr., busin. able seaman; Academy of Sciences; application for cargo shipment; Asia; at sight; average speed
abbr., chem. acetosyringone; ammonium sulphamate; acrylonitrilestyrene copolymer
abbr., commun. Access Switch / Access Server; Access Switch
abbr., comp., net. Application Server
abbr., data.prot. Authorization Server (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., earth.sc. abstracting service; activated-sludge; actual standard; admittance spectroscopy; aminosilane; ammonia stripping; ammonium salts; amphibole skarn; analytical series; analytical solutions; Apollo Saturn; athyrisina squamosum; atomic spectroscopy
abbr., ed. acrylonitrile-styrene copolymer; account sale
abbr., el. absent subscriber; absorbed radical surface coverage; access speed; acoustic sensor; active satellite; active system; activity scanning; adaptable system; addressing signal; address selection; address space; address specification; address stack; administration system; aerospace system; allowed state; alphabetical sequence; American Standards; animation system; anorthic system; antistructure (atom); application specific; archives server; array structure; assured service; audio station; audio system; autoionization system; automatic spacing; auxiliary storage; antistatic; application system
abbr., electr.eng. amperemeter switch
abbr., expl. alkyl sulfate
abbr., file.ext. Autonomous System (Internet)
abbr., fin. associated State
abbr., goldmin. Alex Stewart Assayers (MichaelBurov)
abbr., hist. Air Service
abbr., IT anti-streamer; add-subtract; Architectural Simulator; automated software distribution
abbr., lab.eq. Androgen Suppression
abbr., law Alaska Statutes
abbr., law, ADR anticipated sales (Maximoose)
abbr., leg.ent.typ. Aktsiaselts (акционерное общество в Эстонии 4uzhoj); Aksjeselskap (акционерное общество в Норвегии 4uzhoj)
abbr., Makarov. active space
abbr., med. acidified serum; Acidified Serum; Alport Syndrome; Angelman Syndrome; Angiosarcoma; Ankylosing Spondylitis; Anovulatory Syndrome; Artificial Sweetener; Aseptic Meningitis; Asparagine Synthetase; Asperger Syndrome; Assisted Suicide; Astigmatism; Asymmetric; Atherosclerosis; Auricle Sinistrus (Left Ear); ankylosing spondylitis; auris sinistra (left ear); aortic stenosis (Vosoni); aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана Dimpassy); Antimicrobial Stewardship (I. Havkin); acetylstrophantidin; Adams-Stokes (disease); alimentary system; androsterone sulfate; Anthropological Society; antistreptolysin; anxiety state; assistant surgeon; shelter for animal
abbr., med., lat. left ear; arteriae sigmoideae
abbr., mil. Acquisition Strategy; Advanced Sensors; Air Search; air speed; Aircraft Survivability
abbr., mil., air.def. anti-satellite; anti-sideband; assignment slot
abbr., O&G, sakh. amine sewer (system)
abbr., oil amide surfactant; amine surfactant; amphoteric surfactant; account sales; acetocyringone; acrylonitrile-styrene (resin); Aegean Sea; air pressure test for strength; air scoop; air seasoned; air space; air suction; airless spray; alkali syenite; alkyl sulfonates; alkylsulfate; alkylsulphate; aluminum and steel; aluminum silicate; aluminum sulfate; aminosugars; ammonium sulfonate; analytic signal (method); anionic surfactant; antithetic sampling (method); Arctic services; area sample; asphalt and perchlorate solid; atactic polystyrene; augmented stability; automatic synchronizer; automatic system; automatic ally switching; sodium alkyl sulfonate; absorption spectroscopy; after shot; anhydrite stringer; Array Sonic (glenfoo)
abbr., oncol. Adeno-Squamous carcinoma; AngioSarcoma
abbr., opt. angular sensitivity
abbr., physiol. Absence of Seizures; Acoustic Stimulation; Acute Stress; Adams-Stokes syndrome; Anal Sphincter; Aortic Stenosis; ArterioSclerosis; AScending aorta
abbr., plast.surg. Angelman syndrome Angelman
abbr., polit. Australia
abbr., polym. American standard; acrylonitrile-styrene resin
abbr., progr. automated system (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. aerospace standard
abbr., radio antenna assemblies
abbr., scottish Aeronautical Standard; Aircraft Standard; Airlift Squadron; Anti-Spoofing; Anti-Submarine; Automatic Sprinkler; Submarine Tender (USA); Australia (NATO country code)
abbr., shipb. awning stanchion
abbr., soil. aeolian sand
abbr., space anti spoofing; astronomy; adapter section
abbr., tech. alloy steel
abbr., telecom. autonomous system
abbr., textile Austria Standard
abbr., transp. all-seasons
econ. aggregate supply (dimock)
energ.ind. accident severity; advanced system; air staging; analytical simulator; appraisal system; austenite steel; automatical stabilization; automatically stabilized; auxiliary spray
invest. after sight
meteorol. aeronautical standards; ascending to...
mil. aerospace studies; air station; air superiority; air support; air-to-surface; ammunition storage; ammunition store; angle of sight; antenna site; apprentice seaman; area surveillance; arm of service; armament supplies; armor school; armored shop; army surplus; arsenal section; assistant secretary; atomic strike; automatic switching
physiol. Anal sphincter; Arteriosclerosis
tech. acquisition sensor; asdic search; action statement; adaptive system; aerial shot; air glow spectrum; air supply; air-seasoned; alto-stratus; ampere-second; angle shot; anisotropic semiconductor; antenna systems; antisubmarine search; arithmetically symmetrical; astronomical spectroscopy; atmosphere and space; audio sensitivity; auto sequential; automatic search
As [æs] abbr.
abbr. altostratus; amplitude of shear wave; area of steel (площадь поперечного сечения арматуры Stepney); arsenic
abbr., auto. airflow sensor
abbr., el. system availability
abbr., genet. simple arch
abbr., oil effective amplitude of shearing waves; arsenopyrite; asbestos
as [æs] abbr.
abbr. acoustic speed
as. abbr.
abbr. as it was; asymmetry; asymmetrical
as [æs] abbr.
abbr. altostratus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); annual survey; assessment; heavy toward short wavelength
as. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. asymmetric
abbr., libr. Assistant
abbr., med. astigmatic; asymmetrical
abbr., mining. asbestos
as [æz] conj.
biol. asymmetric; asymmetry
polym. alongside; asymmetrical
as. conj.
textile assymetrical
As. abbr.
abbr. Asia; Asian
abbr., med. astigmatism
AS WFT [æs] abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. array sonic (full waveform tool)
AS LSS [æs] abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. array sonic (long-spaced sonic)
: 3084 phrases in 115 subjects
American usage, not spelling31
Animal husbandry1
British usage, not spelling34
Corporate governance4
Criminal law2
Cultural studies4
Cycle sport3
Earth sciences5
Energy industry4
Equestrian sports3
European Union1
Fish farming pisciculture5
Food industry8
Food service and catering4
Government, administration and public services9
Health care13
Hobbies and pastimes2
Human rights activism14
Humorous / Jocular6
Immigration and citizenship6
Information technology17
International Monetary Fund18
International trade9
Labor law7
Labor organization5
Life sciences3
Materials science4
Mechanic engineering1
Medical appliances21
Name of organization17
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation6
Natural sciences7
Nuclear physics19
Obsolete / dated2
Pharmacy and pharmacology5
Piezoelectric crystals5
Procedural law8
Proper and figurative1
Research and development1
Shooting sport2
Social science23
Textile industry3
Trade unions2
United Nations27
Water polo1
Water resources19
Welfare & Social Security1
Work flow1
Радиоактивное излучение3