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 English thesaurus
WCT abbr.
abbr. Wausau Community Theatre; West Coast Time; World Confederation of Teachers
abbr., avia. worst cases testing; weapons carriage technology; weight control tem
abbr., cardiol. wide complex tachycardia (MichaelBurov); wide QRS complex tachycardia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. wet cooling tower
abbr., el. word channel test
abbr., inet. WebCam Theater
abbr., med. Worldwide Clinical Trials (MichaelBurov); Wilson Central Terminal (iwona)
abbr., media. Wildlife Control Technology magazine
abbr., mil., avia. wing carry-through
abbr., O&G water cut (The water cut (WCT), oil production rate (OPR) and water saturation (BWSAT) at the producing interval (Block 1, 1, 7) were used to evaluate the coning Kenny Gray)
abbr., oil workforce comparison table; well construction team; well control team; WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaties
abbr., patents. WIPO Copyright Treaty (ATet)
abbr., physiol. Wilson Central Terminal
abbr., relig. Women in Christian Tradition
abbr., scient. Wind Chill Temperature
abbr., sport. World Championship Tour; World Championship Tournament; World Curling Tour
abbr., tenn. World Championship of Tennis
abbr., tradem. Web Consulting Team; World Choice Travel, Inc.
abbr., weld. weld control transformer (S. Manyakin)
energ.ind. water cooling tower